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The guards are still chatting before they switch shifts and we walk easily by them all. I have a horrible feeling. This has all been much too simple, and if there’s one thing that Violet isn’t, it’s stupid. She’s played me like a fool since I’ve met her… so I know she’s up to something.

“It’s almost as if she knew we were coming back,” I whisper from behind Kastian. He peeks around a corner and continues to move toward the torture chamber. I poke his back to get his attention but he ignores me. My other hand is tightly gripped in his. Sweat beads down his sun-kissed neck and I can feel the tension in the air.

Rune stops at the double doors and turns to us, looking us each up and down to make sure we’re ready. I grab his hand. He pauses and stares at me with his deep crimson eyes.

“My wish… is to love you for eternity.”

I want to say it. I want to tell him how I really feel just in case North possesses me and I’m not here anymore.

He considers me with heavy eyes before looking away. His jaw flexes and his hand tightens over mine.

My heart fucking hurts watching him.

My heart is mine again, after everything—but it’s not really mine anymore, is it? It’s his. He fixed it, put me back together, and I did the same to him. My eyes flick to the place where the scar used to reside on his neck.

Our wishes to save one another, they will always hold true—because no matter what, here… right now… our wishes came true. We saved one another from ourselves.

His beautiful crimson horns tilt as he finally looks at me. There’s so much pain in his eyes, fear of losing me, and I understand it because I feel it too, burning brighter than anything in the realms.

“You don’t have to say it—”

His lips press against mine and time seems to still. This moment matters and I’ll hold onto it for the rest of eternity.

“I love you too, pup.”My heart throbs and for a second the anger and hatred from North dissipates. I cup his cheeks and let my fingers intertwine with his hair.“I promise I’ll always love you.”He dots my forehead with a few last kisses as he straightens his stance.

I blink the tears from my eyes, meeting Kastian’s gaze beside me. Pain flickers there but he smiles wearily at me anyway. He looks so fucking tired—we all do.

My dark-winged Eostrix hugs me tightly. Even my wings get scooped up in his embrace. He lets a relieved sigh roll from his lips as he presses kisses to the top of my head.

“We can do this—we have to.” He looks from me to Rune and back to me. His ocean eyes are steady and brimming. “Do you trust him?”

I hesitate—a smile forming across my lips.


My eyes meet Rune’s and they flicker with amusement.

Kastian catches on and smirks. “Do you trust her?” Rune keeps his eyes connected with mine and shakes his head easily as my back warms and his voice rolls through me.


“And neither of us trust you either.” I nudge my Eostrix and we all share a hushed laugh.

I never want to leave this hall, but we have to. There are so many things in this life that I wish I could just ignore to live in peace. But the chances of me walking out of this unscathed are really low.

So I should be entirely honest. I look at my somber Kastian, perfectly sculpted and ready for bloodshed.

“I love you, Kastian.”



Rune and Kastian push the doors open and I look ahead into the chamber as all hope slips from me.

I’m not surprised to find Arulius here waiting for us.

His perfect gilded bone armor is polished and his amethyst eyes bore into my soul. I’m lost on how I feel about all this. I can’t even think of emotions right now, staying focused is the only option.

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