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Moro nods grimly. Wren and Kastian share a confused look.

I clench my fists. “We think that Violet has North’s bones in her dungeon and she’s been doing some sort of possession curse on me. She was draining my blood the entire time I was there.” Moro’s eyes fill with horror but I press on. “She wants Lucius, and the only thing that makes sense to me is that she’s trying to get North to possess me so he can tell her what’s in my head.”

Kastian’s eyes widen and he opens his mouth a few times before actually getting anything out. “No.”

Rune lifts his head and his crimson eyes flicker with the embers from the fire that warms Moro’s cottage.

“No, what?” I ask slowly. At this point I don’t even want to know.

Kastian stares into a dark corner of the room. The blank expression on his face is beginning to worry me. His hands shake.

“No… I think it’s much worse than that.”


That’s exactly what we need—somethingmuch worse.

“She was taking my blood too… I didn’t know this is what she was doing with it though.” Kastian stares off into the living room as he sorts through what this means.

Moro hums in agreement. “North can only take over a vessel, he doesn’t get access to your mind. The host stays dormant, but very much their own being. Aware.” Kastian stands and a blue fury fills his eyes, like he’s prepared for war this very second.

I bite my lower lip. “Why is Violet trying to bring him back?”

“She wants him to tell her where Lucius is,” Wren chimes in.

I shake my head. “How would someone who’s been dead since the last war, four hundred years ago, even know where Lucius is?”

Rune sits next to me on the couch and rests his elbows on his knees, leaning forward as if he’s taking in something hard. I furrow my brows and nudge him.

“What? What do you know?”

My spine tattoo warms.“What are the chances she needs all the Rhythm Gods’ blood to bring him back fully?”

My bones chill. “Moro… does she need the blood from all the Rhythm Gods to complete the possession?” Kastian runs a hand through his white hair like this all is making sense. His ebony horns absorb the light that the flames cast toward them.

Moro looks me dead in the eye. “Lucius was resurrected four hundred years ago. That’s when the Fernestian War waged across the human realm. The timeline is so similar… It can't be a coincidence. They knew one another… perhaps even once arriving back here after regaining their memories.” His mouth presses into a flat line. “Yes… she’ll need all four in order to complete the curse. She mustn’t find out about Rune.”

We all look at my precious Dreadius and I hug him a little tighter at the thought.

Fuck. Thisisso much worse.

“But there’s a big chance we can escape this, right?”

Moro’s silver eyes narrow with sorrow. “I’d say asmallchance.”



Inestle into Wren’s chest as the morning chill settles over us. The summer months were warm, but now that it’s winter I’m realizing how cold Moro’s cottage is. Rune’s sleeping soundly on my other side, his slow breaths telling me he’s still dreaming.

Wren wraps his arms around me and pulls me in tight to his bare chest. I take a deep breath of his pine scent and it helps calm my thoughts a bit. I didn’t sleep well after the wisdom dump from Moro yesterday. The information flooded my dreams.

Rune and I both being Rhythm Gods… that part was a dream come true, but North being one too sends ice through my veins. Kastian isn’t evil even though he’s the God of Death, and Moro seems to think that nothing is bornbad, so maybe there’s a way we can get the War God on our side. I think we’ll have to. The book saidallfour Rhythms must be in sync for the realms to flow.

My insides twist at the thought of the possession that Rune spoke of weeks ago. It’s been a few nights since my last nightmare. Maybe there’s still time. I don’t know how we can stop it, but I’m also not sure how far into this Violet is.

Rune stirs behind me and starts to stroke my hair softly. He squishes my fluffy ear to get my attention. These males are obsessed with the damn things. I guess they are pretty cute.

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