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Rune is mid-sip and sets his cup down with aclunk. His eyes narrow and they burn, seeming to sayIt wasn’t for nothing. He shoots Kastian a pained look and my Eostrix chooses to keep his somber gaze on the table. Wren lets out a long sigh before setting his hand on Kastian’s shoulder.

“He’d do anything for you, Elodie. We all would.”

I shake my head and hold back my tears. “I never want anything bad to happen to any of you because of me. Let me finish what I started… I’ll take care of Violet once and for all.” I’ve always sort of felt bad for Violet, but I think it’s clear now that she will have to die. She’s suffered too, I know… I know thatIwas her villain. But she has become a horrible torturer and morbid bitch that tries to resurrect dead gods, for gods know what reasons.

Whatever good was in her before is long gone.

Rune wipes his lips with his sleeve and scrunches his brows at me, and the tattoo on my spine warms. “Are you okay, pup?”

I shrug.

“I don’t know. I just… don’t know.” I wrap my arms around my knees and lean my head on my arm. “Everything’s so fucked up. It’s just us against the realms.” I shoot them all a weary smile.

Rune holds his frown, knowing I’m trying to avoid the problem like I always do. I’ve got issues, I know.

“What?” I narrow my eyes on him.

Rune leans in and kisses me. Heat flares through my cheeks and I worry for a second at Wren’s gasp. What, I didn’t tell him what Rune was to me?

His deep voice courses through me. “Our allies are everywhere. Remember—many of us desire the Rhythm to return.”

“You’re right… It’s not just us anymore, is it?” I mumble against his lips.

He lets his expression turn sullen, distant, as he watches me in silence. Picking apart every piece of me that he can. He’s so good at it and I worry that he’ll know me better than I know myself soon.

Wren leans forward and sets his hand on mine. “We were never alone.” Kastian stretches his wings and nods at me too, fire burning in his blue eyes. Relief floods me at the thought of us being able to take back the Rhythm. To save all those who’ve died the second death. To fix all this senseless pain.

But what if we can’t fix it—what if I lose them all in the process?

Rune stands and offers me a hand. I ignore his gesture, standing up and going straight in for a hug. He grunts as I squeeze him and tightens his arms around me.

Wren chuckles at my side. “It’s good to see you again, Rune. Does this mean you’ve officially joined the resistance then? We’ve got a Hollowless Cypress, a child Moss Sparrow, a depressed Death God, and the Goddess of Life who doesn’t have her powers. You’re on the winning team, my friend.” His sarcasm is dripping from his lips and his smirk is just asWrenas it gets.

I’ve missed the bastard.

I pull away enough to see Rune give him a genuine smile and nod curtly. I wonder if they know one another from their days working together in the High Court.

Wren cackles. “Oh shit, I forgot you're mute. So we also have a silent Dreadius.” He pats Rune on the shoulder in passing as he leaves the kitchen and settles on his couch. I don’t miss the flicker of amusement in Rune’s eyes and I already know I’m right that our band of misfits is going to be complete… Well, almost complete.

The Eostrix follows behind us as we make our way through the living room. “Thanks, Wren. We really appreciate—”

“Oh spare, me the dramatics, Kastian. Let’s just roll with this while it lasts. I’m burnt out from thedramaandplanninganddoom,” he says exasperatedly as he fluffs up his pillow and leans back. “I’m sleeping out here, so you guys figure out bed arrangements.” He smiles easily at me and I don’t miss the amusement that lingers there.

“What are you trying to imply?” I glare at him and he’s laughing again.

Kastian roars with laughter as well. “I don’t think we need to guess.” Embarrassment fills me but I’m too caught up in the happiness that consumes my heart at the sound of their laughs. When have we all been this happy?

It’s too contagious and I end up hugging my ribs from giggling. Rune’s eyes are filled with relief as he watches me laugh. A small part of me sinks knowing that he can’t join in, but I hold onto the hope that we will find his voice through this. We have to.

The three of us get situated in the bedroom.

It’s a little awkward at first, but the males don’t make a big deal about it so I find myself relaxing as we nestle into the not-so-small bed thatisnow with a taut male on each side of me.

Words can’t even begin to describe how happy I am to have them both here with me. I’m not alone.

They each cuddle up to me. I give Kastian my back. Rune’s eyes are locked onto mine. His tattooed torso begs me to touch every line of ink he has and I indulge in running my fingers up and down his chest. He tucks my head into the nook of his neck and strokes my hair slowly.

“I’m sorry you walked into that today.”My spine warms and his deep voice coils through my mind.

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