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I let out a strangled gasp, one that is entirely impossible to hold in because I’m so fucking horrified. Sickened to my core. I instantly feel all the pain that Violet put me through. Kastian’s head perks up from where he leans over a black pail. Violet stands above him, a curved knife in hand. His neck bleeds profusely.

I make eye contact with him, his ocean eyes flickering with shock and pain, but I don’t stay long enough to let it all sink in. I can’t stand to see him willingly suffer on my behalf. She’s taking his blood too, but for what? For the skull?

Panic rushes me.

I’ve stayed here all this time to protect them…

I burst through the door and sprint as fast as I can down the hallway. Rune’s head snaps my direction as I run by him and he’s quick to follow.

I keep running, hopeless, scared, confused… hurt.

“Elodie!” Kastian shouts from the end of the hall but I’m already leaping from the window. We’re three stories up and for a split second I wonder what it would be like to let this all end—but I’m not that girl anymore, now am I?

My wings open and I silently thank Arulius for teaching me to fly. I know Violet will send him after me for running, but I’m fucking done playing by their rules. This is what she’s been doing to Kastian for the last few weeks? I know he wants to free me, but why this? I would never have let him go through with this if I knew she was torturing him.

Have I just been wasting my time here all along?

Rune stops at the window and I halt mid-flight—I can’t be without him.

“Meet me in Caziel. Wren’s cottage. Don’t say a fucking word to anyone—” I stop because he literally can only speak to me and Kastian. The scowl on his face tells me he’s thinking the exact same thing, but a smile cracks across his lips and the wind lifts his dark hair a bit.

There’s no hiding the light in his eyes and the excitement that dances through them.

He’s a fucking masterpiece and he’s rooting for my freedom as much as I am. I love him. As I look down on him with the sunset warming my back and the sunlight dappling his face, I let my heart win.

I love him.

After he nods, I don’t waste another second.

I fly as fast as I can. Nesbrim has never looked so small behind me. It feels too easy that I’m flying out of here, as if I could have the entire time. I know Arulius will use the bond to bring me back, but I’m going to fight it as long as I can. I’m not sure if he can feel it dwindling, but soon there will be nothing left of it.

The black dress makes flying a little uncomfortable and ridiculously cold, but I keep the fast pace. Caziel’s dim lights orb against the darkness of night and I’m shaking with adrenaline at what I’m doing.

But nothing haseverfelt so right in my entire life.

As the cobblestone streets and cottages come into view, my heart fills with the warmth of this cute little town. I land in front of the breakfast café I visited with Wren and Marley. Everything is closed at this hour and the streets are empty, but the string lights that hang from the balconies above are lit.

I smile and take my time walking down the streets. The snow isn’t as heavy here, but every rooftop is covered with a white blanket and steam curls into the air from each chimney.

I stop in front of Wren’s lot. It looks exactly the same as it did my first day here. I walk up to his door, taking a deep breath before I knock three times and wait for Wren.

I hear a few locks switch and then the door opens. Warm air pushes against my face and tears instantly fill my eyes as I’m met with Marley’s wide ones. His sweater is a size too big for him and he’s at least a few inches taller than he was the last time I saw him.

“Elodie?” His eyes light up and get all watery.

My own are blurry and I dip down to scoop him up into a tight hug. “Oh Marley! How have you been?” He giggles and wraps his small arms around my neck as I step in and kick the door shut behind me.

“I’ve been asking about you every day! Wren’s missed you more than I have though.”

I smile as I set the boy down and tap his nose. “Oh, is that right?”

I hear the floorboards creak in the kitchen and Wren’s standing there looking at me like he’s never seen anything so perfect in his entire life.

I could die right now.

He smiles and it reaches his amber eyes. His dark hair is messy on the top and faded on the sides. He’s got an unlit joint settled behind his ear as he twirls my pink lighter between his fingers.

“He’s not lying—little fucker has been begging for us to go tear down Nesbrim to get you.” He crosses the living room and takes my face in his strong hands.

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