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Why would Talia not resurrect her? Why was… why wasIso evil…

I push the thought from my head and go to the first floor to tell Rune what I’ve found. Naminé senses my emotions and follows me down.

“That’s the first I’ve heard of it too. Look what I found.”The tattoo warms on my back as his voice flows through me.

He holds out a black book. The leather is worn and hardly holding together. I carefully take it from him and look it over. The inner page says:North, God of War.My heart skips a beat when I turn a few pages in and find the scariest creature I’ve ever fucking seen. It has rows of sharp teeth, just like the skull had, except the picture is of a male with flesh. He’s demonic-looking, with soot-colored skin, and his eyes are dark like midnight blue. Black wings stretch from his back, but they aren’t beautiful and angelic like Kastian’s. North’s wings are like those of a bat, with claws at the ends. He’s handsome in a bone-chilling type of way and my stomach drops at actually seeing him.

“Holy shit. This is it—those are the same teeth as the skull.” I glance up at Rune. He’s frowning and his red eyes look at me with worry. Naminé peers over my shoulder and scowls at the image. I still need to catch her up on the nightmares…

“Don’t tell me. We’re totally fucked with this, aren’t we? The God of War is going to do something that will ruin everything because Violet is bringing him back to life somehow, right?” I say it sarcastically but I’m being serious.

He narrows his eyes at me and my tattoo warms. “Basically, yes.”

I worry my lip and he catches my trembling jaw with his palm, bringing his lips in for a kiss, and I hear his beautiful deep voice echo through my mind.“It’s going to be okay, pup. I’m going to talk to Kol and see what he knows. Maybe he can help.”

I push him back. “No. Kol isn’t someone we can trust. He’s her puppet! Just like Arulius is.Wehave to do this, us three. That’s it.” Naminé furrows her brow and looks at Rune with concern flashing through her eyes. I told her that he can talk to me through telepathy, but I’m sure it’s weird as hell watching us communicate like this.

His gaze softens on me and he nods.“Just remember that you have allies. Many of us here in Tomorrow wish to have the Rhythm restored too. We want to know that the cycle will continue, thatnodeath will be permanent.”He brushes my dark hair behind my ear and I take a deep breath.

“I know… I know you’re trying to help. I’m sure many of them would too… but not Kol. I watched him kill Kastian right before my eyes. I have beef with him and I’m not accepting anything from him until I can slap that motherfucker.”

He smirks at me and shrugs.“I can try to figure out what the High Lady is trying to get out of this, but the more ears the better.”He leaves it at that. I rub my arms from the goosebumps that North’s image gives me. I don’t want such evil to exist in the realms… not like North.

“Let’s go grab some rolls from that shop on the main street.”

Naminé stands quickly and passes me a book. “Perfect, I’m starving—and here, I didn’t want to interrupt your weird mind conversation with the brute.” I look down at the book she’s shoving in my hands. It’s labeledCurses and Bonds.

I smile up at her. “Have I ever told you how amazing you are?”

She flips her ash-blonde hair over her shoulder and crosses her arms. “Not nearly enough.” I break out into laughter and she’s quick to join me. I even hear Rune make a small grunt.

We all leave the library half combed-through, with the two books tucked safely in my arms.



The nightmares are an every-night occurrence now. It’s been an entire week since we found the War Godand theCurses and Bondsbooks. We’ve learned both enough to take over the world and jack-shit at the same time.

They were worth the time we spent looking for them though. Apparently bonds can be broken by sheer willpower, and if you’re not as versed in that, as I am, sharing your heart with other people also wears away at the bond.

My feelings for Rune must be more potent than I thought. I knew the bond has felt weaker lately, but this proves why. All this time I’ve been fighting against the one thing that can save the entire realm… love.

Kastian has been avoiding me since our argument in the hallway. It’s not like I’ve had a chance to try and talk to him since then either, with all the shit Violet has him doing for her.

I’ve been flying daily with Arulius. I’m shocked that Violet is allowing this, but when I asked him he just said that it’s because she doesn’t know. It makes sense, since she’s never particularly cared what I do, more so now that our torture sessions are done. She’s been preoccupied with Kastian and whatever their agreement entails. I don’t like that one bit… but what can I do except wait like my Death God asked me to.

Arulius makes time for me and I find it oddly comforting. It’s a time for just us. Every day I can feel my wings getting stronger and the weight in my chest easing. We especially love it when there are storms. Chasing one another to see who can reach the clouds first and getting caught in the snow and wind is something else with him.

Thisstorm is especially torrential though.

We haven’t flown this high before—I can nearly see the curve of the realm from these heights. The towering trees of the world don’t look so godly with this view. I take a deep breath as I open my wings as wide as they’ll go, letting the air take me where it will.

Arulius swoops beneath me, creating a gust that makes me spin and lose the nice air pocket I’d found.

“Hey! That’s not funny!” I shout at him while laughing my ass off. I guess it’s kind of funny.

He turns his head and shoots me the smile that used to have a chokehold on me. I falter for a second before returning it with a warm upturn of my lips.

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