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Our heads crest the top of the water, and even though I’ve been breathing fine down there I take a big breath of the air. Kastian does the same before his hands are all over me again. He guides our bodies to the submerged bench and sits me on his lap so I’m straddling him. His erection is throbbing between my thighs.

“I want you, Elodie. For so many reasons, I want you.” His hair is wet against his forehead and my lovely Death God has never looked so untroubled.

And the sight of it makes my heart fall apart. How much does this man deserve to smile like this? More than I could ever give him, and yet this is the first I’ve seen him so content and happy. My heart curls in my chest.

“I want to make you the happiest god, Kastian. You deserve everything.” I try to blink away the tears that are fighting to surface, but they push through and roll down my cheeks.

He kisses them away and nuzzles his nose against mine as he grinds against me, his erection rubbing my slit and drawing breathy moans from me.

“You’ve brought me more happiness than any god could ever dream of. It’s always been you, Elodie.”

He tugs me forward and then he’s entering me, spreading me, like our bodies were always carved just for one another. His dick fills me to the brim and I cry out as he thrusts into me relentlessly.

My body’s on fire.

Kastian grips my shoulders desperately, like he’ll fall apart if we separate, and I feel the same waves of emotions crashing into me too. Is this because we’re Rhythm Gods? The feeling is so similar to what Rune draws out of me, a sensation like my veins are filling with power and a swarm of energy lives just beneath the surface of us. A calling that I will never be able to deny. I’ve never felt this undying connection with Arulius before.

It’s consuming.

“Do you feel that?” Kastian grunts as he drives into me. I’m so close to coming again already.

“Yeah.” I moan and fist his hair, pulling his head back so I can look at my ruinous god. His eyes are filled with a lust-drunk daze, but his brows furrow as his thrusts become harder and faster.

I cry out as he slams into me a final time before he’s spilling his seed into me, his dick throbbing against my walls, and he’s holding me down tightly so none of it spills out.

I ride out the ecstasy of it for a few moments before slumping into his arms. “What was that?” I murmur into his neck, he leans his head against mine.

“I have no idea, but it felt like the realms and the magic in our veins were rejoicing.”

He holds me against his warm skin and I shut my eyes with a blissful smile. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” he whispers against my shoulder and kisses my skin like the stars will never stop shining for us.



Kastian’s been following Violet around like her own personal Pine Hollow for days now and it pisses me off. I know he said to trust him, but I know she’s doing something to make him tired and worn down. I see the dark rings under his eyes and he craves rest more and more each day.

I hate it.

At least she’s been leaving our torture sessions cancelled. I can’t imagine having to endure those with Kastian watching.

Since our night at the hot springs I haven’t seen much of him. There’s so much I want to ask… so much time we need to catch up on. Like, what the hell was that connection we felt? It’s been burning holes into my mind at night.

Wren’s been heavy on my mind since our encounter in the forest as well. I let out a dreary sigh at the thought of all of us scattered across Tomorrow when all we really want is to be together.

Rune’s lips press against my bare shoulder. He’s already hard behind me and we’ve just woken up. I smile and lean into his chest to soak in all his warmth. I’m so content and safe with him. He’s the closest place tohomeI’ve been in a long time.

I pull the sheets closer to my face and snuggle in, feeling entirely too comfortable to move.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

I smile as my tattoo heats along my spine and I love the feeling of it. But it’s short-lived; I hear footsteps outside my door, followed by a sharp knock.


Rune’s crimson eyes flicker with amusement. He gives me one more kiss before tossing the sheets off of himself and pulling a gray sweater on. I sit up on my end and pull Rune’s shirt over my head. It’s huge on me and covers my ass so I’m fine with wearing this around today.

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