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I press my hand against his cheek. He’s so fucking perfect. Rune leans his head into it and those crimson eyes of his caress my face with the same hesitation I harbor.

We’re too broken for each other.

But maybe… that’s why we make so much sense to one another. I trail my finger down his throat. The vertical scar from the tip of his jaw to his collarbone looks a little faded. I already know I’ll never reincarnate the bitch that did this to him. Who ruined him.

I pull my hand to my chest. My healing organ wants him so badly. Wants to hear the words I so desperately want from all of my precious males, but him especially. I want him to love me—only me and forever me.

He pulls out and bends down to resituate his pants.

“Did you ever know Talia?” I readjust my pants too and shift on the bed so he can lie next to me. He rests his head on his palm and smiles at me with warmth, shaking his head.

That’s a fucking relief. I think he’s the only one who hasn’t met her… That means he enjoys me formeand not the previous life I once lived.

I find solace at the thought.

“So what other ways are there to bring someone back? Do they come back complete or what? It’s cheating death so it can’t be normal.”

He nods, looking down at the pages we’re lying on. My spine warms as I hear him in my mind.“Possession. He takes over the body of a vessel.”

What the fuck? Things in Tomorrow can do that?

“But aren’t we already dead? How is that even possible?” I furrow my brows, trying to piece all this shit together.

He shrugs.“You still have a body in Tomorrow. A vessel. Just as you can die a second death, you can lose your vessel to the darker beings. Gods of deceit and malice.”

It clicks in my head.

“Do you think that’s what happened when I almost tore my heart out? My skin was ashy and I felt a sinister darkness inside me.” I sit up and wrap my arms around myself. The feeling of something evil being inside me is… disturbing. The God of War? What the hell is going on with all of this?

I stand up and collect the crumpled pages, shoving them in a drawer before Arulius comes to collect me. “Well, while you’re on research duty, I have to meet with Arulius, so you should probably go,” I mutter as I change into thick winter leggings and grab my white coat. I’ve gotten used to slipping my wings through the designated holes and it takes me half the time it did a few months ago.

My Dreadius grunts angrily at me but I ignore him as I hold the door open.

“I know. Trust me, the feeling is mutual, but we’re lucky he kept his mouth shut about our adventure last night so I have to play nice.” I fake smile at him to show my best acting and he smirks at me, setting his hand on my head as he walks by and ruffling my hair into a mess.

“Hey!” I bat his hand away and he turns to wink at me with a wide grin.

Arulius knocks on my door a few minutes later and I follow him down to the court’s front doors. We stand outside under the terraces above that save us from the snow.

The golden Eostrix is messing with his coat, making sure it’s secure and tight before turning to look at me. His amethyst eyes are holding that familiar flicker of hope within them and I don’t even bother reacting to it.


I cross my arms and lower my brows. “Ready for what? You haven’t told me anything.” I huff. My breath mists in the crisp afternoon air.

He ignores my tone and kicks up the corner of his lip. “Flying 101.”

His golden wings open and the suns crest over them perfectly. They shimmer gorgeously and light the snow around us with glimmers of yellow.

I gulp. “Flying?”I murmur. He nods, looking amused as hell. “But I can’t fly, Arulius. My wing…”

I pull my broken wing around my arm. It’s a little bit shorter than the other one—never really grew the same after Wren broke it.

Arulius pushes my hair from my face and his weak smile has my heart clenching. “You can fly. It’s shorter and not as strong as your good wing, but I know you can do it.” My cheeks heat with his admission.

All I can manage is a hesitant nod.


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