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It’s easy to find our way back with the footsteps in the ash. I take one last look at my desolate forest. Nothing but burnt stumps and gray skies. Bones and graves of many creatures… and the family that perished here.

I don’t know if I’ll ever return again.

But I hold onto Wren’s words—this is just the beginning of my story. The start of a never-ending dream. I’m going to fix everything.

“Bye, Mom… Dad. We will meet again.”

Wren nods at me, smiling with those sad eyes of his. I raise a hand and caress his leafless dark hair before turning to enter the mist of Bresian.

We step through quickly. Wren takes the lead, holding my hand tightly as we pass and break through the other side.

Rune’s on his feet quickly and bares his teeth at Wren. My Cypress is taken off guard by his hostility and I’m stepping between them before Rune can do anything crazy.

“Stop it! Wren’s one of my closest friends. We need to get backnow. Arulius knows,” I snap at him and his brows crease with annoyance at my admittance. Crap. “Not closer than you, Rune.”

Wren’s jaw drops and I smack my forehead.Fucking males.“You’re both the closest people I have, okay? End of discussion.” I pace over to the Hollow and jump on its back. Rune is right behind me, scooting in close and wrapping around me possessively.

I glance at Wren. “How did you know I was here?”

“There was a strange man who told me to head to the forest. He said his name was Bruno.”

My eyes widen and I clutch Brevik’s scruff tightly, goosebumps spreading across my arms.He’s really here. So it wasn’t just a dream… Was it a vision he sent? What do you know that you aren’t telling us, Bruno?

“I entered through the other gateway. I need to head back that way to get to Caziel. Marley’s waiting for me.” My heart leaps at the name of the little Moss Sparrow and Caziel. I wonder if we’ll ever go to that café again and share coffee and pastries.

I nod. “We will see you soon then?” I say with too much optimism. If I say it enough times it’ll come true, right?

I hold his amber gaze, his tan skin shimmering under the light of the four moons. He smiles and dips his head before he’s heading back through Bresian.

“See you later, Elodie.”

I watch until he’s slipped back through. “Let’s get back to Nesbrim, Brevik.” I pat the Hollow’s head and he’s sprinting down the valleys of snow like a blur in the night.

* * *

Arulius is waiting at the southern gate by the time we make it back.

He has an expressionless look on his face and I’m already recoiling inward with what awaits me if Violet knows too.

We stop at the wall and I hop off. “Rune, take Brevik back to the enclosure and wait for me in my room.” He gives me a hard frown and narrows his crimson eyes, flicking them over to Arulius distrustfully before eventually nodding. Brevik leaps over the wall easily and just like that, I’m alone with the asshole.

I cross my arms and look anywhere but at him. He’s dressed in his beautiful gold bone armor and his gilded wings are especially glimmery in the dawn’s beams as the suns crest over the mountains. My heart reaches out for him. I try to ignore it, but whether I like it or not, I can’t deny that I’ve missed him… I want his amethyst eyes on me and for him to be begging for my attention just like he did for months.

So much has changed…

He’s quiet for a few dreadful minutes and we stand awkwardly with thick tension in air between us. I feel like I’ve been caught stealing, for gods’ sakes.

Arulius lets out a long, deep sigh that makes me flinch, but I clench my teeth to keep my arms crossed tightly. I won’t ever show this bastard my feelings again.

“You can’t hide your emotions no matter how hard you grit your teeth, love.”

I shoot him a glare and amusement flickers in his amethyst eyes. My hard expression falters as I take him in. He looks so fucking tired. Dark circles rest under his eyes and he carries a look of defeat that I’m a stranger to. “What were you doing out there? Tell me where you went and I’ll consider not telling Violet.”

I instantly let out an exhale of relief. Thank the fucking gods he cares at least a little about my wellbeing, because Violet would cut my legs off.

“I… I went to see my home.”

His eyes widen but his expression remains stony. “To the human realm? Why would you want—”

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