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I rip my hand from his and that grabs the entire room's attention. “You won’t lay a godsdamn finger on him,Arulius.” His amethyst eyes flare with my audacity but I don’t give a fucking shit. I’ll fight for this last little piece of the universe that ismine.

Rune belongs to me. I won’t let anyone take away my silent guard who’s come to mean so much to me.

Arulius smiles wickedly, sending goosebumps up my spine, but I hold my ground. He may have my power to heal, but he doesn’t control my combat aura or my will.

My eyes flick to Kastian. He watches with a furrow in his brow but stays steady where he is, next to Violet. Fucking Eostrixes. I don’t know who I can trust right now. No one except me, that's certain.

My golden Eostrix gets so close to me that our chests are touching. He’s slightly pushing me back but I bare my teeth at him in defiance.

“You prefer he dies now then? Great choice, love.” His smug tone has me absolutely fucking feral. Why’s he being so godsdamn crazy?

There’s so much anger and hate building inside me. The heart that was once so full of love and curiosity is now so heavy and weary. Violent and hungry for retribution.

“You touch him and I’llruinyou.”

Our eyes lock with fire—we’re testing each other’s will and he thinks I’m bluffing.

“Rune, get over here. On your knees,Dreadius.”

I clench my teeth as Rune obediently follows orders and gets on his knees in front of Arulius, facing me, without hesitating. Like his life means fucking nothing.

Arulius flashes his fangs with a sinister smile and draws out his aura, glowing gold like hot metal pulled from an inferno. He holds the blade to Rune’s throat as my precious guard stares up at me with his soft red eyes, letting the warmth and affection he feels for me beam through.

The tattoo on my spine warms.“It’s okay, pup.”


I don’t know who needs the godsdamn memo but I’m done being the weak Goddess of Life that has no power. Sure, Arulius may have me chained from resurrecting, but I can still take what he wants most. What theyallseem to want most.

I let out a breathless sigh and then break out into a manic laugh as a dark sensation itches from beneath my skin. A few gasps bounce around the room and Arulius’s purple eyes fill with shock. Even Rune gives me his worried silent gaze.

I feel a hand of rage reach up from within and wrap around my soul. It’s sinister and dark, like a lake of curses is consuming my mind and dragging me to the depths of its hate.

Shivers run through my bones and I’m filled with a crimson aura. My olive skin changes into an ashy soot black and my nails are long like raven claws.

I’d be shitting myself if I was remotely sane right now, but it’s like I’m a passenger in myself. Much like the time Murph died, but this—this is much darker.

The room darkens and the guards against the far walls start shrieking. Violet’s shouting orders but it all sounds like mumbles. I can’t understand anything anyone is saying, all I can see is the God of Wrath and the blade he holds at my Rune’s throat.

And I. Fucking. Hate. It.

“Elodie? What the fuck is this?” Arulius snaps at me, but the flicker of fear in his eyes gives him away.

I laugh again and raise my new sharp claws to the darkened ceiling. They’re perfect for carving and ripping—twisting and killing. There’s a shadow clouding my mind and it’s beckoning me to let it take hold.

“Arulius. What was it about the blood bond that you kept from methatnight? Do you remember? That we are nowfatedtogether.” I narrow my eyes at him as my claws break deep into my chest cavity, straight through the ribs and deep into the cage of flesh within, clutching my broken organ that is so useless to me. So worthless I’m willing to rip it out to rid us all of the disease that is Arulius.

The Eostrix’s eyes bulge and his knees hit the floor, making the grotesque sound of bone against tile as his hands fly to his heart. The room silences and Arulius’s eyes widen as he stares at me in horror. Pain throbs in my chest but I grip the useless organ harder, enjoying the way his mouth clenches in unbearable pain and hot blood courses from the gaping hole in his chest.

“I’ll end it all right now. Right fucking now—is that what you want?” I let loose another hysterical laugh and a few tears slip from my eyes.

I’m scared. What the hell am I doing? What’s happening?

But I can’t help it. Something wicked deep within has a hold on me.

The hatred is so strong, so overwhelming, that I’m powerless against it. I can feel my own claws tearing out my heart just as lips crash into mine, breaking the shadow’s hold and grabbing my focus.

My drop of blood in snow—he extinguishes me like I was nothing more than a wild flame in the midst of winter.

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