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I slide my napkin over my arm to hide the damage. My heart’s still racing with adrenaline and nausea. I never thought he would hurt me… not physically. My eyes water only for a brief second before I’m blinking the evidence of my feelings away. I don’t want him to know how much it affects me.

The chatter around the table dies down as the main dining room doors open. Violet is probably entering. I feel so fucking broken right now though I don’t want to look. My arm stings and I’m embarrassed at all the eyes I still feel on me.

If I wasn’t a prisoner I would have already run to my room by now—to cry maybe, or to sulk. Stare outside my window and wait... wait for Kastian to come save me like he did once so long ago.

Every head turns toward the High Lady as she enters the dining room. I dare a small glance up and of course,of course, he’s still looking at me.

I keep my eyes hooded, but more importantly I keep my heart caged.

Rune’s red gaze falters. He saw what Arulius did to my arm and I don’t want to talk about it,ever. Thank gods he literally can’t talk, though his eyes say more than anyone else can see, and more than I want to receive.

I look back to my empty plate as I wait for Violet to take her seat at the throne. I’m seated directly to her left. She likes to keep me close, to shame me as much as she possibly can for things I never did.

Oh Talia, I wish I wasn’t you.

Nails drag behind my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Violet’s lavender scent fills my nose and makes my arm throb more than it already did.

She takes her seat and gives me a sinister smile. I study her appearance. Her black hair is twisted up into a tight bun that complements her crimson dress. Her boobs are pushed up higher than I’ve ever seen them and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me a little jealous.

Who is she trying to impress here anyway?

I let my eyes drop to show her I’m behaving. I’m not particularly feeling like having my throat slit before dinner.This seems to pacify her as she hums with glee before taking a long sip of her wine and addressing her guests.

“I’m pleased to see all of you here tonight.” Violet stands and clanks her glass, which is unnecessary because everyone’s already watching her. “As you know, the winter festival is next week. We have much to do in preparation for it and I have an important guest traveling a far distance to get here. I want everything to beperfect.”

The table murmurs in agreement, I keep my eyes on the plate in front of me, wondering when we’ll get to eat. A festival sounds fun and I’m already planning what I can wear and what Rune will be interested in eating. I’m sure there will be tons of food and drinks.

I zone her out as she continues to address her commanders and advisors. She gives a few awards out, one being to Arulius for tricking me and capturing the long awaited Goddess of Life, and then we finally,finallyget to start eating.

I grab a few slices of meat, a spoonful of potatoes, and some steaming soup that already has my mouth watering from the savory broth. I snatch a piece of bread and lather it in butter before dunking it into my soup.

At least the food here always tastes amazing. My memories of the human realm’s food is trash compared to this.

After the meal everyone engages in idle chitchat. I sit awkwardly as Arulius and Violet talk over me.

“Has there been any progress on finding Lucius?”

Violet takes a long sip from her wine. “No.”

Arulius glances nervously at me, eyes hovering over the bruise he left on my arm, and when the anguish reaches the press of his lips he continues with Violet. “How long must you keep her on the blood repulsion? It’s already been over a week… You know its ramifications can cause withdrawals that other blood won’t satisfy. At least give her an Eostrix blood bag.”

She lets out a sick laugh. “A week is nothing. I’ve been without Lucius for hundreds of years. What kind ofwithdrawalsdo you think I’ve undergone?” Her eyes level with his, challenging him to fight her on this.

“I did everything you asked of me, my lady.” Arulius’s voice hitches with desperation and he looks at the table rather than her.

“AndIgave you six months of whatever you wanted with her. I would say that’s more than fair. Besides, she seems perfectly fine without you. If you want her back, you know the price.”


“Lucius,” she echoes.

A few more hours and I’m nearly falling asleep in my seat by the time people start getting up from their chairs to leave. I eagerly stand—I don’t want to be here for another godsforsaken second.

Arulius stands as well, sliding his hand in the small of my back. Violet snaps her fingers at him, drawing a raised brow from both of us.

She’s been drinking wine all night, and by the way she leans on the table I’m going to guess she’s pretty drunk. “Leave us, Arulius—I wish to speak with Elodie alone.”

He hesitates and looks at me for the rebellion he’s used to, but I’m tired, mentally drained, and done with this fucking night. I don’t bother meeting his gaze. He dips his head in my peripheral and then is walking out with everyone else.

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