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The beautiful Eostrix trots over, her dark hair waving to each side, and kneels beside me. She wears a look of pity but doesn’t dare say anything. She offers her wrist to me and I slowly grab her arm with both hands.

I look up at Violet, who’s watching expectantly. “Go on,” she snaps impatiently.

Pressing my lips to Willow’s wrist, I bite shallowly and take a single sip of her blood. Once I release her arm I look back to Violet and wait for gods know what. I feel fine, I don’t—

Blood heaves up my throat and suddenly I’m throwing up all over the imperial floors. I barely miss Rune, turning my head to the side. My guts are twisting angrily at me and I’ve never felt sicker in my life. Violet starts laughing and Willow takes a few steps back in shock.

I set both hands on the tile as a fresh wave of nausea flows through me and another haul of blood releases all over the floor. This is way more blood than I took from Willow.

Panic itches in my chest and I desperately look at Violet.

She covers her mouth as she continues laughing. “It worked perfectly! You’ll need to drink from the Dreadius to stop the blood repulsion, dear.”

I sit up enough to lean toward Rune. His eyes are unmoving and he doesn’t seem one bit happy to be my designated blood bag either. Fuck this. Fuck everything.

I don’t have a choice though.

Blocking out the laughs that begin to sound around us, I take his wrist and bite into him. I’ve never had Dreadius blood before and I’m too scared and overstimulated with the repulsion to taste or smell anything. I take a small gulp of his blood and push his hand back to him. Rune clutches his wrist and resumes his emotionless gaze.

The nausea immediately fades and my throat clears of any threatening blood. What the fuck kind of curse is this? Like, why in the gods’ names would she do this, and why now of all times?

Willow wrinkles her nose at me. “An Eostrix drinking Dreadius blood.” Her distaste is obvious on her sharp tongue. I’m normally not one to feel ashamed for things, but with all of them in here watching me throw up and drink forbidden blood, I feel broken, like trash that was thrown away twice. She isn’t as nice as I thought. Good thing I never let her get close.

“Why was this necessary, my lady?” I ask so sincerely there’s no way she can reprimand me.

She brushes my dark hair behind my ear as she passes behind me, raising my wrist to be drained for her daily collection of blood. She sets the container below my arm as she runs her blade along my flesh. I flinch but keep my lips sealed.

“Because we have a guest coming to Nesbrim in the coming weeks and I don’t want you getting any ideas.”

Well that doesn’t tell me anything, so I press on. “Why did you select aDreadiusand not an Eostrix for this curse, my lady? We’re not supposed to drink from anything but our own.” It’s not like I personally care whose blood I drink, but the public shaming makes it hard to want to drink from a Dreadius.

She waits until she’s satisfied with the amount of blood before releasing my arm. “Oh Elodie, must you honestly ask such stupid questions? It’s because I hate you, and I want you to suffer.”

Not surprising. “But what about Rune? He doesn't deserve this.” I look at his hands. They’re clenched in rage, but he remains calm.

“No? And how would you know anything about him, hmm?” She lifts the bucket and stalks to her door in the corner. “Enjoy your days of recovery, Elodie. Do try to get to know your new blood bag.”

I don’t bother watching her leave today. I’m feeling particularly beat and just want to go back to bed and wallow for the rest of the day. I’d planned on going to breakfast with Naminé again, but now she’s no longer my guard… I side-eye Rune.

He’s patiently sitting and holding his wrist, eyes never leaving me. His dark hair crests just over his forehead. I’m sure he’s mentally exhausted from all of this too.

I stagger to my feet and take in how much blood I threw up. The drains are still working to clear the puddles left behind.Gods.Rune rises as well, and gods, I only come up to his shoulders. He’s at least six foot five.

The walk down the hall of the High Court is quiet today. I wonder where Arulius is; he always waits outside when he’s not in there himself. Come to think of it, he wasn’t in bed this morning either.

I’m about to turn down the hall that leads toward Arulius’s manor, but Rune steps in the way to block the corridor. Pulled from my thoughts, I stare up at him.

Greeeeat. We are going to get along just great.

“What’s the problem? That’s the way to myprison. Step aside.”

He keeps his even expression and shakes his head. Oh my gods, this guy is really pissing me off.

“What do you mean,no? Fucking move out of the way.” He gives another shake of his head and this time he takes a step toward me and bumps me back with his chest. I clench my teeth. “I’ll fucking tear you apart,Dreadius. Move.”

He crosses his arms and nods in the opposite direction. Okay, I’m really losing my shit now. This guard needs a wake-up call. Who is he to try to block my way? I take a breath and try again.

“Tell me why you're blocking my way and maybe I’ll listen.”

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