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One week after they took her


Miserable doesn’t begin to describe the fucking joke of my existence.

I stare hollowly into the dark cup of tea that Moro’s forcing me to drink. Says it will make mefeel better, but I really doubt a cup of bitter water will help. My amber eyes aren’t as bright as they used to be and the dark circles under them are enough to make me want to sleep forever. Or have someone hit me with a shovel so I can get a good night’s sleep for once.

The Hollow Keeper’s been off. Rightfully so—I mean, he lost everything… Those Hollows were everything to him. His entire purpose is to tend to the beasts but Violet took everything he loves. She took a lot from all of us… I shift my eyes to my leafless hair; now it’s just dark and empty. I can’t stand the sight of it.

The sad and good news is that there’s been a large influx of new Hollows, so at least he’s been busy. Thank gods he has Margo to help tame the new rowdy Hollows or he’d probably drag me into helping as well. He claims I have a way with them as he does, but I just can’t let my heart open like that again.

Not after Murph.

I angle the small mirror I have set on Moro’s kitchen table so I can see my head clearly. I cut my hair with a curved knife. The sides are already shaved and I shorten my hair until it's no more than three inches so I can style it.

I let my head tilt down once I’m done and I sigh.

“Wren, stop wallowing, will you? We’re all hurting, okay?” Kastian snaps from beside me—grumpy motherfucker as always. He misses Elodie more than the sky yearns to touch the stars.

Death calls to life. Endlessly—eternally.

But I miss her too.

I tap my finger on the oak table as I push the loss of Murph from my weary mind. “We can’t just leave her there…” I run my hand down my face and take a deep gulp of Moro’s nasty tea. It fills my mouth with bitter warmth. I slam the mug back down, wincing like I’ve just drunk fucking ale. “Did you know about Arulius?”

We all went our separate ways for one week… We agreed we all needed the rest but I don’t think any of us got any. It was the longest week of my life. I had to go back home to check in on Marley, and Moro was a head case after all his Hollows were gone. Kastian just spent his time alone in his death glades. One week. Now we’re here.

Kastian stands from his seat like a barbarian, nearly knocking over the table and his chair as he growls at me. “How the fuck wouldIhave known about Arulius? I live in my gladesaloneand you’re the one who servedher highnessand worked beside the golden prick.” His eyes are filled with icy fury but I can see the sting in his gaze.

Arulius was a friend to all of us… We lost more than Elodie that day.

I’m about to tell him to piss off but Moro cuts in. “Stop it, you two.” He sips his tea like he’s got all the time in the world. “It’s only been a week. I know this is all… a lot, but we won’t get anything done if we’re fighting with one another.”

Ugh, this guy is soooall knowing. It’s annoying as fuck.

“Well, what are we going to do? We can’t just do nothing.” Kastian crosses his arms and glares at the Keeper.

Moro raises a brow at him and the Eostrix rolls his eyes but sits back down, dipping his head at the Hollow keeper in apology for his attitude.That’s more than I ever get…

“We’re not doingnothing. We’re recovering and planning. Do you really think we can just storm in there and save her? The three of us?”

I take a deep breath before sighing. “No.”

Kastian snorts at me and I glare at him. I know he loves Elodie, but he doesn’t know her like I do… I saw how ruined she was during her time in thein-between. My chest feels heavy with the thought so I shift back to focusing on the plan, grabbing the joint that rests behind my ear and sparking it with Elodie’s pink lighter.

“So what’s the plan then?” I mumble with the joint between my lips.

Kastian leans forward. His ebony wings flex behind him as his eyes flicker with an idea. “I can steal her away in the middle of the night.”

I shake my head. “She’s bonded to Arulius. Evenifwe can get her out of there, Arulius won’t let her reincarnate… and I doubt there wouldn’t be any repercussions. What if Violet sends her soldiers to kill the Hollows? Why else would she be holding all of them captive?” I cross my arms and lean back in my chair, letting a plume of smoke curl from my lips.

Moro frowns and nods. “I’ve been worried about that too. Violet has the upper hand and she knows we know it…”

We all fall silent at the table as we think. There has to be some way…

A sharp knock sounds at the door and Moro stands to answer it. Kastian and I look over our shoulders as he opens the door and I nearly fall out of my fucking chair.

Golden feathers shimmer in the light. I’d know those purple eyes anywhere.

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