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“Girl, you get your ass in that car before I call your mom and tell her you’re shacking up with your cousin.” I shrink back into myself and try to make myself as small as possible. The way he says it is just gross. Would my mom believe him if he called her and told her I was sleeping with Hunter? “How do you think she’ll like knowing her girl is spreading her legs for family?”

I gasp at his crude words but also at the fact that Hunter punches him again. He’s so fast that it’s hard to tell he’s hit Roger for a couple of seconds before it sinks in and I process what I just witnessed.

Hunter takes him by the shirtfront again and pulls him off his feet. “I told you to watch your god damned mouth around her, you piece of shit.” He lets him go and Roger falls to the ground. He’s picking me up around the waist before he says another word. “You won’t say a god damned thing, or I’ll let everyone know who and what you are, you dirty old son of a bitch.”

Roger gets to his feet and spits a wad of blood out to the side before turning cold reptilian eyes towards me. “Fine girlie. You made your choice.”

His words cause a shiver to run through me.

“But after he’s used you for all the new holes he can and turns you away when he’s through, don’t think any of my people will take you in. Not drenched in his cum.”

He turns to run from Hunter who still has me in his arms. My mouth drops open and I couldn’t speak now if I had to. I’m just too stunned by what he is saying. He turns back before he hits the stairs leaving me with one more shock. “And you can get fucked if he knocks your little ass up because you’re too stupid to make him wrap it up. At least I would have used a condom.”

His parting words have me shocked, appalled, disgusted, and more than a little sick. He pretty much verified everything Hunter had told me with that last sentence. But that’s not the most shocking thing. Well, not anymore.

I watch him leave before I say anything. “He thinks we’re…. that you and me are…,”

“Let him think it. He knows I don’t fucking share.” He looks over at me and must be able to see the shock written on my face. “Sorry for dropping the ‘f’ bomb, sweetheart.”

He steers me back inside and locks the door behind us. His use of the word fuck is not the thing that has me so…surprised. Then my brain starts working and all the problems this causes come flooding through my mind. “What am I going to do about school, Hunter?”

Chapter Seven



I take her to the sofa and sit down with her just barely resisting pulling her into my lap. She’s still close enough it would only take one good tug to have her there. “I’ll drop you off and pick you up. You don’t leave with anybody but me and we keep trying to contact your mom so she’ll know what is going on.”

Thankfully today is Friday so we have a couple of days for her to get used to the fact I’m going to be taking care of her from now on.

“What if she doesn’t? What if she doesn’t believe us?” Her voice is small and worried, and I don’t like it. “What if she doesn’t believe Roger is…is a…?”

“Sex pervert who tried to fuck her eighteen-year-old daughter by lying to her and getting you drunk or high?”

Her eyes widen but she ends up nodding her head.

“Then we make her believe because,” I turn to her and take her face in between my palms, “if you go back, he’ll not stop until he forces you to do something you don’t want to do, baby. And I won’t let that happen. Even if I have to tie your little ass to the bed to keep you safe, I will.”

She gives me a sad, worried look that is full of stress as she bites on her bottom lip, “Won’t this cause problems for you with your family? I mean, Roger…your father…?”

This time I do pull her into my lap and wrap my arm around her hips. “Baby, I haven’t been okay with my family for a long ass time. Way before you came along.” She looks at me with something close to hope that she’s not causing me problems. “I was never close to my dad because of the way he treated my mom but on my eighteenth birthday when he tried to talk me into having birthday sex with a stripper he bought me kind of sealed the deal over us not really being on the same page with one another.”

“Jesus. He bought you a stripper?”

I nod and give her my eyes so she can look into them and find the truth. “He wanted to share.”

“But you don’t share.” She finishes for me, and I can’t fight back the smile that stretches across my face. Her lashes fall and she peeks out from under them shyly before she asks me a question, “Have you…ever?”

“Ever what, baby? Shared? Had a threesome? An orgy?” She blushes at every guess. “No, I’ve never shared. I’ve always been very possessive. Never been in a threesome, never wanted to be in an orgy. But maybe you meant something different. Maybe you meant have I ever had sex?”

Her mouth opens and she starts to shake her head like asking might have offended me even though technically she wasn’t the one asking. “I shouldn’t have…I don’t…it’s none of my business.”

But I want her to know. It’s important to me for her to understand. “A couple of times. I should have waited for the right person.” Her eyes are big and wide, but she doesn’t say anything. “So, are you as innocent as you seem to be?”

“What?” she starts squirming in my lap.

I shouldn’t be asking. I shouldn’t want to know but damn it, I do. I understand it’s selfish and totally inappropriate, but I just can’t stop myself. “Have you been with anyone, Ember?”

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