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“Do you need something?”

“I…um,” Shit! He’s probably at home with a hot woman who understands just exactly what to say and how to move and loves her own body. I can’t walk downstairs without falling and haven’t been completely comfortable with my body since I started growing boobs at eleven. “I shouldn’t have bothered you. I’m so sorry.”

“Ember, you’re not bothering me, honey. Just tell me what’s going on. Are you alright?”

He seems so sweet and concerned. “I…Roger’s car stopped working and I, um, guess I thought maybe you might be able to tell me what to do to get it started again. But I don’t want to bother you. I realize that you're probably at home relaxing…”

“I’m not at home, Ember.”

Great. He’s out with friends or meeting girls in…bars? Where do you pick up women? God, I’m hopeless when it comes to social shit like this.

“Where are you, honey?”

His question snaps my mental wondering back to my situation, so I can focus on what is going on now. “If you need to go…”

“Ember. Tell me where you are, sweetheart.” He’s so sweet. And tall. And hot. And family now.

The last part is a little cringy even if there is no relation between him and me. It’s one reason I’ve kept my crush on him such a secret, even from my best friend who happens to be his sister. Mom marrying Roger really complicated my social network. Not that I would ever tell her that.

“I’m right outside of town. On the old road. About fifteen minutes from Main Street.” There’s no better way to tell him because there’s nothing out here but cows and farms. It would make a great place for a serial killer to hunt down victims. I glance at the doors just to make sure all of them are locked. Just in case.

“Keep the doors locked and don’t get out of the car. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” He hangs up before I can tell him I didn’t mean for him to come for me. This crush has only gotten worse instead of better. and now I have to find a way to act normal around him when we’re alone…together. Only I don’t know how to act normal. What’s normal when your superhot stepcousin is coming to rescue you and you have this awful crush that shouldn’t be?

I’m in so much trouble and I’m not talking about the car breaking down. I’m talking about the naughty things I want to do to my stepcousin which is going to send me straight to hell. No, normal walked out the door the moment I laid eyes on Hunter, and hasn’t been back in the building since then. So, I am in so much trouble. And no one to call for that.

Chapter Three



I come in quietly hoping no one is home. Sometimes I come back just to visit with Mandy, but I still have a few things here that I need to pick up and take back to my place. I’m not lucky tonight as I hear my stepmother’s shrill voice coming from the living room. I would normally try to sneak and do what I can before they realize I’m here but something she says catches my attention and makes me step closer to where they are. “She’s eighteen tomorrow.”

There’s only one person I know turning eighteen tomorrow. And that is Ember.

“Roger says he’s going to corner her and try to persuade her.” Bastard. Anger rolls inside of me at my father’s voice. “But if she’s not into it or picking up the hints he’s just going to try to get her drunk or high.”

“Is her mom gone?”

“For the whole week. He wants her alone at first but then he thinks he can talk her into coming over and having some fun with us all week long. He thinks she’ll be pretty easy to lead since she’s so…innocent.”

I step away from the wall and make my way to the door. As soon as they look up all they are going to see is movement. I have plans to make and I’m not sitting still long enough to have a fight with my dad about who Ember belongs to. My sorry piece of shit uncle thinks he can manipulate and abuse Ember because she’ll be legal tomorrow because she’s so sweet and innocent. It turns my stomach and makes my temper flare like a fire with gasoline poured on it.

As I’m making my plans, I think back to two weeks ago when she called me. Seeing her number pop up on my phone was more than a shock. I couldn’t believe my luck when I set my wrench down and grabbed my phone. I told her I wasn’t at home but technically my home is above my garage. Most nights I either stay in or tinker down in my shop. I just sold my first custom bike this past month and couldn’t be more tickled about it. If I can sell another one, I’ll have things set for the year and maybe even a sizable down payment on a house.

It made sense that she would call me because of my mechanical ability. I thought at first, she might have tried my uncle, and he didn’t pick up or something, but when I got there she told me I was the first person she called. She was in his car and was worried he would be mad at her, so she didn’t want to call him or her mom. Mandy told her I was really good with cars and bikes and stuff, so she called.

She kept apologizing for ruining my night, but it was the best night I’ve had in a long time. I got the car running for her and got to enjoy a thirty-minute conversation with her before it got too cold, and I told her to get back in the car. I followed her back that night…to make sure she got home safe. There was a lot of temptation when I realized my uncle and her mom weren’t home. But I kept on going, denying my urge to follow the sweet little thing inside. If I had gone inside with her, it would have all been over. I’m strong enough to not be my father but I’m not a god damned saint after all.

What I’m about to do, it’ll cause all sorts of problems. A woman like Ember is well worth the trouble. I just hope everything works out the way I think it will. I hope like hell Ember is going to be alright with all of this and won’t come to hate me for it years from now.

The uncertainty of everything keeps me awake all night and causes me to be an angry shit for most of the next day. Thankfully some of the men who work for me know about my family and what they are. They understand what’s going on and are willing to overlook my cranky ass. I only work with people I trust and am close to, so I won’t have to do too much apologizing afterward.

I leave work early to make sure I am at the school when the last bell rings. Waiting on her. I see her immediately talking to a group of other girls and walking down the steps. I recognize the moment she realizes I’m here. Her face breaks out in a huge grin, and she lights up. I thought when she did it that night I rescued her on the side of the road, that she was just glad to see me because it was getting dark, and she would’ve been happy anyone came to help. But seeing her face now makes me wonder.

“Hey Hunter. Are you here to pick up Mandy?”

“Actually no. I’m here for you.” Her face shows all her thoughts and emotions as she has them, so it’s not a mystery she’s wondering what the hell I’m up to, but she never loses that warm-as-the-sun-on-a-beach-in-summer smile. “Want to go for a ride?”

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