Page 23 of Peregrine

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“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Perry offered her a smile that did nothing to ease the concern on her face. “Harrison is a dear friend and I’m here to pay him a visit. There’s nothing more to it than that.”

Williams did not look convinced.

“Despite that, I’d appreciate your discretion.” Perry chewed on his bottom lip. “Sebastian is not entirely aware of where I am, you see, and for simplicity’s sake it should remain that way.”

Williams looked less convinced than ever, but she was nothing if not trustworthy, and offered him a curt, professional nod. “You have my word.”

“I shan’t be long,” Perry promised. He smiled a little more brightly, but no amount of love nor joy could do away with the knot lodged in his throat. It reflected in his smile. It had to. “Your sister lives near here, doesn’t she? Why not stop in to see her? I’ll be in touch when I’m ready to leave.”

“That’s very generous of you, sir.”

“Think nothing of it.” Perry moved forward in his seat and laid a hand delicately on her shoulder. “After I’m done here, there will be nowhere else I have to be. You’re welcome to take the day off once my business has concluded.”

Williams paused, then sighed and tucked a strand of gray-streaked hair behind her ear. “I understand that you’re nervous for your friendly visit with Harrison, sir, but you don’t have to buy my silence. You and Master Sebastian have been nothing but kind, and there is no reason in the world why I’d treat you with anything other than my utmost respect. I will keep your secrets. I will keep them all. And you have my word that the rest of the staff will do the same.”

She knew, then. Perry’s hand trembled, then fell from her shoulder. He laid his head there instead. “Thank you.”

“Silly boy,” Williams whispered. She ran her fingers through his hair. “We hate to see you so out of sorts. Don’t let us—any of us—worry you. You already have so much weight on your shoulders.”

“I’m so afraid, Alana,” Perry whispered as he closed his eyes. “I can’t have this happen again. I can’t. My heart can’t stand it, and Sebastian…” Despite his best efforts, the knot lodged in his throat tightened, and he let out a shuddering sob. “Sebastian always acts so strong, but I know—I know—he grieves. I see it in his eyes and I can’t stand it. I cannot.”

Williams laid her head against his. She said nothing, but the heaviness in the air spoke for her. In it, Perry knew her heart.

“He tries to keep me safe,” he whispered after a long while. “He does his very best, I know, but there are some matters that simply cannot be helped. Not by traditional means.”

Williams nodded, nuzzling Perry’s hair in the process.

“So I will see Harrison.” Hope trilled in Perry’s voice, but even then, it was uncertain. “I will see if I can protect myself and in doing so, shield Sebastian as well. So much has changed since we were first mated. Surely there must be something that can be done.”

Williams hummed reassuringly. “Of course, sir. You are very brave.”

“I am very foolish,” Perry admitted with a sad laugh. “To think this could end differently than it has for the last five hundred years is insanity, but what other choice do I have?” He laid a hand over his belly. “I have to try.”

Williams kissed his hair. “And try you will. Go to Harrison. See what he has to say. I will be here for you when it’s over, and no matter what happens, all will be well.”

With time Perry knew it would be, but knowing didn’t stop it from hurting any less.

* * *

“Good day, Master Peregrine,” said Cleaver, the very prim and proper butler of the Drake-Lessardi household, upon opening the front door. “What an unexpected but delightful surprise.”

“You flatter me.” Perry smiled for him. “It’s a delight to see you, too, Cleaver. Are you well? How is your ankle?”

A hint of a smile perked Cleaver’s stern lips. “I’m well, and as for these old bones?” He lifted a foot and shook it illustratively from side to side. “They feel younger than ever, no doubt in large part to Master Everard, who personally sees to my arthritis.”

“He is a gem, isn’t he?” Perry laid a tender hand on Cleaver’s arm. “And your daughter?”

Cleaver’s face lit up. “She is exceptionally well, Master Peregrine. Little Elijah will be celebrating his first birthday next month—can you believe it? I’ll be making a trip out of the occasion and staying with her and her husband for the week.”

“One year already? How time flies.”

“Indeed, indeed.” Cleaver, in a much livelier mood than before, stepped away from the door and gestured inside. “Please, come in. Shall I bring you to see Master Everard?”

“No, thank you. I’m here to visit with Harrison today.”

Cleaver blinked, which was about as close as he ever got to looking surprised. “Master Harrison?”

“Yes, darling.” Perry stepped into the house and took Cleaver by the arm. Cleaver blushed—a rare treat. “Harrison is a delight and I am very eager to see him, but between you and me…” Perry leaned in and stood on his toes to speak quietly into Cleaver’s ear. “If you wouldn’t mind, would you keep word of my arrival a secret? Some conversations are simply too sensational for reptilian ears. I’m sure you understand.”
