Page 141 of Finch

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weather and smiled. “I’m not mad. It’s a very easy mistake to make, and I’m glad we were able

to sort it out before any feelings got hurt.”

“Would you like me to leave, darling?” Peregrine asked Finch in a sympathetic tone of voice.

“I had no idea you were visiting, and I didn’t mean to intrude. I can wait in another room until

your business has been concluded.”

“No. No, it’s fine.” Finch spared a look at Harrison, who never seemed to let anything detract

from his happiness, then to Peregrine, who seemed to be engrossed with misery of his own. “I

suppose I should get used to talking about it, as word will spread soon enough, and everyone

will know. Hugh took my heat and I didn’t catch. I’ve failed to give him a clutch.”

Peregrine looked surprised, but not as surprised as he should, considering their relationship

had been a secret. Likely one of the servants had talked. They always did. Finch had more

cause to know that than most.

“That’s not entirely true. Finch could be pregnant with a dragonet.” Harrison gestured at Finch’s

midsection like one might on an anatomical model. “I couldn’t detect eggs during his

ultrasound, but a fetus would be almost undetectable at this stage. We need to do blood work

to accurately conclude what’s happening. Or a pregnancy test, but blood work is way more

accurate, and I’d rather do the tests myself than rely on something that’s been mass


The more they talked about Finch’s failure, the harder it became to keep his stiff upper lip.

Gathering up what shreds of dignity he had left, Finch inclined his head to both Harrison and

Peregrine. “Yes. I think that about sums it up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have duties to attend


“Would you like me to call Cleaver and have him show you out?” Harrison asked.

Peregrine shook his head and rose from his seat, his bangles tinkling as he did. “No need. I’ll

show our friend out. I’ll be back shortly.”

“I don’t need assistance,” Finch tried to say, but Peregrine placed a delicate hand on the small

of his back and led him out of the room regardless.

When there was a closed door between them and Harrison, Peregrine leaned in a little closer

and said, “Loving a dragon isn’t always easy. Especially when one isn’t marked.”

Finch, despite himself, flinched at that. “That really isn’t any of your—”
