Page 137 of Finch

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butler, who bowed his head and took his leave. It was all quite strange. “Now that that’s out of

the way, would you like to come in, Finch?” Harrison asked. “I promise I won’t keep you long.”

“My afternoon is yours,” Finch assured him. “I’m the one in your debt, not the other way


“Oh, it’s nothing.” Harrison stepped back, granting Finch entrance to the room. “It’s not all that

often I get to run tests without Ev around, so this is a treat. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll

be right with you. While I’m getting ready, let’s go over some basic information. Can you tell

me about how many days your heat lasted compared to what you’d usually expect?”

Finch, who’d settled in an armchair near Harrison’s desk, went over all the facts and figures

he could remember. His last heat had lasted four days while his regular heats lasted for seven

and had ended just shy of two weeks ago. No, he hadn’t bonded with Hugh—at least, not that

he was aware of—and no, he hadn’t noticed the presence of any strange abilities or

inexplicable happenings since becoming intimate with his dragon.

“Have you taken a pregnancy test yet?” Harrison asked as he jotted notes into a spiral-bound


“No,” Finch replied. He’d been too afraid to, and unsure if a standard pregnancy test would be

able to detect a clutch.

“It’s probably a little early, anyway.” Harrison stepped over to where he was sitting. “Kind of

right on the cusp. You’d probably get results, but why bother when you’ve got me and Ev

around to give you a sure answer?”

Finch wasn’t sure if he was supposed to answer that question or not, so he nodded to be polite.

“Okay, well, let’s get started. Do you see that door that looks like it leads to a closet? It goes

to my examination room. Go in and you’ll find a screen—the kind you change behind, not the

kind for a computer. That wouldn’t be much use, would it?” He chuckled. “Behind the screen

you’ll find a medical gown. It’ll be folded and resting on a wooden chair. Change into it and hop

up on the examination table and I’ll be in to see you in a minute. I just need to pop over to the

bathroom to wash my hands. I’d do it in my examination room, but I figure you could use the

privacy. I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you,” Finch said even though he was increasingly unsure if scheduling an appointment

with Harrison had been the best idea. “I’ll be waiting.”
