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Had her up against the shower wall, the hot spray turning cool after she’d surprised me by joining me this morning when I’d thought she was asleep. One kiss led to one touch, led to me hauling her off the floor and sliding my dick into her slick pussy while I devoured her mouth and touched every inch of her skin. She mewed like a goddamn kitten, tightening around me in a vice grip that had me gasping and spilling my cum inside of her even though I swore I just had less than an hour ago.

Couldn’t tell anymore.

Couldn’t remember one minute from the next.

Just knew I already wanted to do it again.

“Little hellion.” I tightened my grip on her so she wouldn’t fall to the shower floor, then pressed my forehead to hers.

Kelly stared up at me with fuckin’ stars in her eyes, and fuck, it made me want to crawl back into bed.

“I think you broke me again.” She smoothed her fingers over my unruly beard. Hadn’t had time to trim it the past few days, not with my obsession taking over my life. “I think you’re the only thing holding me together.”

“We hold each other together,” I promised because I was sure it was the truth. Even through all the frenzied touches and our sleepless nights, I’d never felt more whole.

She looked down our bodies to where we were joined. Down to the snake head tattooed above her pubic bone that looked like it was fuckin’ swallowing my cock.

Wasn’t anything more fuckin’ erotic than that.

“Yeah.” She pulled her gaze up to meet mine. “We hold each other together all right.”

Her smirk.

Her fuckin’ smirk.

Wanted to devour it the way that snake was devouring me.

A flash of heat pulsed through me, and it was made more noticeable by the drop in temperature of the water in the shower.

“Let’s get cleaned up, yeah?”

“Whatever you say, old man.”

I squeezed her ass in both my hands. “Little hellion.”

After a quick rinse—because the water had turned to ice—I helped her out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her gorgeous body. She watched me as I dried off and trimmed my beard—not too short, though. She’d already made it perfectly clear she liked the way it felt between her legs, and who was I to take that little bit of pleasure from her?

It wasn’t until I was tugging my pants over my hips that Kelly sighed and finally spoke. “Are you sure you have to go?”

She was still in her towel, her lips turning blue in the cool of the room. I buttoned my pants before sitting next to her on the edge of the bed.

“Got work to do.” I smoothed her damp hair behind her ear. “Gotta make sure Rylan and Joss aren’t at each other’s throats—”

“Oh, they are.” She pressed her lips in a straight line, holding back her laughter.

The world kept moving regardless of how it had stilled for me as I gave every last piece of myself to this beautiful girl. There’d been a few phone calls from Joss over the past couple days. Just little things that needed my attention or approval. And nine times out of ten, I could hear Rylan in the background, giving Joss shit the way he always did.

Was gonna get a fuckin’ harassment claim against him if he wasn’t careful. Honestly, I was surprised there hadn’t been one already.

“You’re probably right. Gotta check in on the others though, too. Make sure they’re doing their jobs, not having troubles with their assignments. There’s only so much I can do from my apartment.” Kelly pressed a kiss to my lips and I smiled against her. “Especially with this beautiful woman who keeps distracting me.”

“Hey, I resemble that.” Her cheeks flushed a beautiful red as she ducked her head. I pulled her chin back, pressing a long, lingering kiss to her lips.

She was in there somewhere. The girl she was before her life went to hell. There were flashes of her, I’d always seen that. This strong, feisty woman who could put any man in their place. This gorgeous fuckin’ woman who could light up the room by merely stepping foot inside it.

No matter how hard she tried to hide it, I could see the remnants of that girl in there. Her quick comebacks were just one of the many things I loved about her.

As I pulled back from her kiss, an involuntary groan left me. Didn’t want to leave her. Didn’t want to step foot outside this haven we’d created the last few days.

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