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Lee nodded, and I wanted to die. “Admin. You were right about her. And Van, too. Both have been indispensable to the team.”

My hand trembled as I brought another bite of sausage to my lips, but my mouth was too dry to even chew it.

“You should see the two of them,” Lee continued, completely oblivious of my sudden giddiness. “They’ve got this odd connection I never would have expected. Like, he looks out for her. Takes her out to bars and makes sure she gets home okay. It’s…”

“They sleeping together?”

The minute I said it, he paused, even though his fork was an inch from his face. His brows pulled together, then he shoved the last of his pancake in his mouth. He chewed slowly, swallowing it down before he answered.

“Don’t think so. Didn’t come to Vinny and Jen’s wedding reception together. Though…”

He looked at me like I wasn’t dying inside, that last sentence the cause.

“Though they did dance with each other. But she danced with Rylan and Kolton quite a bit, too.”

He shook his head, then took a long sip from his coffee. He looked back at me, watching me flinch again as he told me, “Can’t exactly have a no-fraternization clause in the handbook. Can’t chance losing Vinny or Jen.”

I sat back, unable to stomach any more. When he just stared, I put my fork back on my plate and closed my eyes like I could shut it all out.

My old guilt never left me, no matter how much therapy I had. It was different now, though. Then, I was suffering and unable to face them—my old best friend and her new husband.


Now I was just an asshole.

Lee stood and went to the sink. The room filled with the sound of him doing the dishes, and I longed for those days when I was welcome by his side. Instead of helping, I finished my coffee, peering up only as he stepped into the back room.

He was pulling on his coat and shoving his foot in his boot, his hat already covering his head.

My heart raced, that familiar fear of losing him swarming my thoughts. I jumped from my chair, knocking it to the floor as I rushed toward the back door.

“So that’s it?” My throat threatened to close and my voice pitched up. “You’re just leaving?”

It looked like it took everything in him to force himself to turn and face me. His shoulders drooped and an exhaustion he didn’t have moments ago was painted across his face. “What do you want, Kelly?”

He took a step into the kitchen, and on instinct, I stepped back. He sighed and shoved his hands in his coat pockets.

“Your parents asked me to make sure you were safe.” He shrugged. “You won’t talk to me, won’t tell me anything about you. I don’t know you. That’s what you said. I thought I did. I thought I knew enough to make a difference, but you’ve proven me wrong.”

“You never came to visit.” My voice was pure accusation, while my body trembled in panic.

“What was I supposed to do? Stand back and watch the girl I fell in love with kill herself? It was hard enough hearing about it when your parents called with updates. I already fuckin’ tore my heart out for you. What more do you want?”

My bottom lip quivered. “Friendship?”

“Friendship?” He shook his head, then yanked his hat off his head. “You have to talk to your friends, Kelly. You can’t just cut people out.”

He wrung his hat between his hands, then pulled it back on his head.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do. Got the FBI camped outside my office, an employee in the hospital, and an admin who looks like she’s about to lose her shit.”

Tears fell from my eyes, but I couldn’t form a response. Lee turned away, only pausing with his hand on the screen door.

“Happy birthday.”

With that, he walked away, and I was left there wondering if I’d ever see him again.


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