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“I could, but it’d probably scare you away.”

Dr. Thompson’s smile faltered. She tried to recover, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “This is a safe place, Kelly. You can tell me anything you want. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Right.” I moved to wipe my palms on my knees, only to notice I still gripped the phone Lee had given me in my hand. I set it on the chair next to me, then pulled my feet up, wrapping my arms around my legs. “I was… raped. Repeatedly.”

Over the next fifty minutes, I relived the most horrible time of my life. I told her how I’d pined after Rhys Craigson, the tall, thin, bespectacled accounting manager who was friends with my own manager, Aaron, at work. He walked the halls of our building with an air I couldn’t get enough of. And when he turned his attention on me, I felt like there was no better feeling in the world.

Tears fell from my eyes when I told her about our first time. After months of pining, Rhys had finally asked me out. We hadn’t done a typical date. He took me to a club and dragged me to one of the dark booths in the VIP section, introducing me to a man who looked both fabulously rich and dangerous at the same time.

It’d taken a lot of convincing to get me to try the drugs Rhys had bought from the man. I could see now how he’d played me. He’d closed the distance between us, making quiet promises that it would be better this way. Better for our first time. Better than anything I’d ever had before. And I was just so pathetically desperate for the man to like me that I did it. I’d let him light up the pipe and walk me through how to smoke it.

Euphoria had hit, and moments later, Rhys took advantage. It hadn’t taken much for me to let go and let him strip me of my clothes. I’d wanted that very thing, wanted to be with him, to have sex with him. It had been my decision, hadn’t it?

Maybe that first time, it had. The second and the third time, too. But then, he stopped being sweet about it. And he’d stopped waiting until we were alone. By then, I was so desperate for the other thing he offered—the drugs he paid for and gave me on condition.


Not just with him.

With his friends.

It was no longer Rhys I wanted, and he withheld the drugs from me until I allowed them to use me the way he had.

I could barely function during the day, but I put on a mask and made my way through it. Let the days run together as I looked forward to the high I knew I’d get if I gave up, gave in, and let Rhys control me. Even without the drugs, I would have let him. I became nothing but my addiction, and he even controlled that. Let me beg and plead as he refused to give me what I wanted.

Until he dragged me from my apartment to meet a dozen of his friends at a warehouse.

I was shaking as I told Dr. Thompson what followed. How they’d used me. How my manager, Aaron, had tried to step in and protect me, only to get murdered for standing in their way. Then they’d loaded me on that boat, and I’d woken up to hell on earth.

My best friend and roommate had been captured too, was there with all the others, destined for a fate none of us could fathom. Then Lee had shown up, and my addiction to him had begun.

I couldn’t tell her that, though. Not that I’d grown to need him as much as I had the drugs that Rhys had plied me with.

Dr. Thompson offered me platitudes, telling me it wasn’t my fault. But it was. All of it was. I left her office with less hope than I’d had when I walked in. I wandered the streets, a desperation I hadn’t felt in so long pulsing through me. I didn’t see the world that slipped by in front of me.

Not until I pulled to a stop in front of a familiar looking apartment building.

I’d been here before. Rhys had brought me here. He’d bought me drugs here. There were drugs inside those walls, and suddenly, I needed them more than I needed anything else in my life.

Pushing through the front doors, I pressed the button on the elevator and rode the car up to the eighth floor. Muscle memory prompted me to the door as my mind fought against what I was doing.

I saw my hand lift. Saw it knock on the door. Felt my entire body flinch when the door swung open and he stared out at me.

The same man I’d met at the club. Not so fabulous, not so rich.

But very, very dangerous.

“Well, well, well. Look what we have here.” He stood back, and my body moved, pushing me into the dingy apartment without my consent. He closed the door behind me, locking me in. “I could say I never thought I’d see you again, but that’d be a lie.”

Flinching when his hand brushed my arm, I spun to face him, only to stumble backward, into the wall.

“What can I get you, little one?” He hovered over me, pressed toward me, until I was crushed between the wall and the fine line of space he’d left between us.

“I need a fix.”

A wicked smirk tugged at his lips as he took in my desperation. “You got cash?”


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