Page 94 of Mine

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I whirled around to look at Michaela. She was standing there with her head slightly tilted, a smile playing on her lips. “You two are such fucking idiots,” she said. “I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t find out.”

“Michaela, I—”

She cut me off with a sudden punch to the face. I stumbled back with a groan as stars exploded across my vision. I tasted blood in my mouth, then the acid wash of fear.

“Please,” I gasped. “Just let me—”

She smashed her fist into the side of my head, sending me reeling. Then she came at me again with her other hand raised, eyes narrowed.

“Goodnight, Sienna,” she said coldly. Something was in her lifted hand. A small syringe.

Before I could react, she jabbed the needle into the side of my neck. At the same time, her other hand shot out to grab my arm so she could start dragging me to the other side of the parking lot.

I shrieked and tried to extricate myself from her grip, but I was so dazed from the blows to the head that I didn’t stand a chance. Whatever she’d injected into my bloodstream was rapidly taking effect too. My eyes began to close of their own accord, and the pain started to fade.

“Michaela, please…”

I tried to get the words out, but it was like a black curtain had suddenly closed over my mind. I took one more ragged breath, and then I descended into the darkness.


Excitement thrummed in my chest as I twisted the key in my dorm lock. I couldn’t wait to get inside and take Sienna into my arms. Kiss her and caress her and fuck her brains out.

Tonight had been rough, considering everything that went down with her dad, but at the same time I couldn’t ignore how damn sexy she’d looked in the deep purple gown she wore to the fundraiser. Even the image of it in my head made my pulse spike and my dick twitch in my pants.

I threw open the door. “Hey, are you hungry?” I said as I stepped inside, expecting to see Sienna and her bags on the small couch.

The place was empty. No Sienna. No bags. No Tate, either.

Frowning, I checked the bathroom. Nothing and no one there, either. Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was almost midnight. Surely they should’ve arrived by now. It didn’t take that long to get to Whittaker, pack a few things, and head over to my building.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Sienna’s number. She didn’t pick up, even when I tried three times in a row. I tried Tate next. Same result.

“Shit,” I muttered, heading back to the door. Something had gone wrong. I could feel it deep inside; an ominous chill sweeping through me.

I headed down to my car and drove to Sienna’s residence hall on the other side of campus. As soon as I reached the parking lot, the chill inside me spread even further, seeping into every inch of my body.

A police car was parked up on one side of the lot, along with an ambulance and a campus security van. Rubbernecking students were littered all over the edges. I couldn’t see Sienna or Tate anywhere.

I stopped my car right where it was and hurried over to the closest group of students. “What happened here?” I asked, panic licking at my brain.

A girl turned to me. “It was fucking horrible,” she said in a low voice. “I had to get something out of my car and I saw this guy in the car next to mine, totally covered in blood. Someone attacked him.”

As she spoke, she pointed toward the ambulance. Two paramedics were loading someone up on a stretcher.

Tate. It had to be him.

I sprinted toward the ambulance, but one of the campus security guards stopped me before I could get close. I was close enough to see the guy on the stretcher, though, and it was indeed Tate.

“He’s my friend,” I said, shaking the guard’s hand off my arm. “I have to talk to him.”

“That’s not possible.” The guard’s brows furrowed. “He isn’t conscious. From what I heard, he’ll be lucky if he survives the night.”

“What happened to him?”

“I really can’t talk to you about this. You need to head home,” he replied, shaking his head. He cleared his throat and raised his voice. “In fact, everyone here needs to head home and let the police do their job.”

I clenched my jaw. “He’s my friend. His name is Tate Cavanagh. I have to know what happened to him. Now.”

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