Page 7 of Sunshine

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“We knew that going in,” the king said, speaking for the first time. His voice was pleasant—low and even and kind. He seemed quiet and even a little plain, but Jeremiah instantly knew what the queen had seen in him when she’d fallen in love. “We just didn’t think it would ever get this far. We thought people would grow to accept us and our children.”

“Well, we can get to the bottom of it, and while we can’t guarantee that there won’t be another attack,” Knight said, leaning forward over his knees to meet the royal couple’s gaze, “we are the best in this business. Our only real concern is your son. I read the reports last night, and he seems a bit…”

“Reckless,” Jeremiah cut in, because it was true, and he had no plans to sugarcoat it. The crown prince had made questionable decisions that put him in a vulnerable position, and from his personal guard’s report, it seemed like the prince had put up a fight about returning home.

The queen sighed and shared a look with her husband before she glanced back at Jeremiah. “Yes. He’s been a bit… rebellious lately. We were hoping that his time in university would make him understand the importance of his role. I just hope—”

The queen’s words were cut off when a door to the side opened. The entire Alpha Team jumped to their feet, but they relaxed a second later when the youngest royals rushed into the room, laughing with a disgruntled nanny at their heels.

“I’m so sorry,” the woman was panting, but the queen just waved her off as she gathered her children close.

“Please don’t. Why don’t you take your lunch now, and they can sit with us.”

Jeremiah glanced at Knight, who was smirking at him. It was well-known he didn’t have a soft spot for kids the way some of the others did. Priest was busy pulling faces at them, making them laugh.

Jeremiah looked back over at Queen Grace and King James, watching them hold their children like they were precious. He couldn’t help but wonder what that would feel like—to be loved that way. He’d only known abandonment and hunger and fear at their age. And as he got older—survival. Distrust. Hatred.

He would kill for his team now. He would die for them. But their bonds weren’t forged from affection.

“… should be the one assigned to the family. He has the most practical abilities to protect the family.”

Jeremiah blinked, realizing he’d missed part of the conversation. But the way Priest was grinning at him, Storm’s eyes were wide with surprise, and Knight was trying to hide a smirk, he realized what they were saying.

“I don’t—”

But he couldn’t finish the words. The queen regarded him, then nodded. “We want the best, and we’ve heard that’s you. I trust you, Mr. Avril.”

He blinked in shock. He didn’t hear those words outside of his team often. Or at all.

“My guards can accompany you to the airport to retrieve my son, and I’ll have my staff prepare your room for your stay.” She rose before Jeremiah could protest, giving her hands a single clap and turning to Thorne. “Please get these gentlemen an ETA on the flight and any resources they need.”

Jeremiah rose as the king did and took both their hands a little numbly as they said their goodbyes. He moved closer to Knight as they watched Priest with the kids, and he sighed. “He would be better at this than me.”

Knight shook his head and bumped their shoulders together. “You and I both know that’s not true. And if the Sirens found out that a sex Demon was living at the castle?”

“You think it’s better than a Hellhound?” he challenged. “Storm should stay, then.”

He didn’t bother suggesting Knight—not only did the Vampire not enjoy working in the field, but it’d be just as scandalous for a bloodsucker to be living among the royals.

“He’s too likely to defer to his brother.” Knight nodded to where Storm and Thorne were chatting on their way out of the receiving room. “You never know. The family might surprise you. And I’ve seen the crown prince—he’s not bad to look at.”

Jeremiah tried not to visibly cringe so as not to insult the future king of the Sirens, but he shook his head quickly. “He’s a petulant child who’s only going to make my job harder.”

Knight chuckled lightly, shrugging in concession, then led the way after the guards so they could get working on a viable plan to ensure the royal family survived.



“Gods, we could have taken the car and gotten back faster,” Remi muttered, just loud enough to make sure Greg and his other guards heard him, but none of them reacted. In the safety of the private jet, they’d effectively been ignoring him since takeoff.

Luckily, they were about to touch down in Midlona.

Remi held in a sigh as he stared out the window at his future kingdom. The coastline was just barely visible from where they were above the airport, the Bellona Mountains rising like sentries to the north. He couldn’t see it, but he could practically feel the suffocating walls surrounding the castle already.

Even after the alcohol had worn off and he’d talked to his mother, who’d been sparse on the details but told him a little more about what had happened during the family’s walkabout, he still felt this was all just… a gross overreaction. There had to be some mistake. Crown prince or not, why would someone want to kidnap him except to try to get some money from his family?

A tiny voice in his head pointed out the wrongness of that, especially since they’d tried to take his family too, making a ransom payment impossible, but he pushed his earbuds into his ears harder to drown it out.
