Page 65 of Sunshine

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But he wasn’t backing away anytime soon.

“Yes, you’ve made that abundantly clear,” Remi sassed him, reaching for the door handle of the SUV. “But it’ll be fine. I’ll be just inside, and as soon as the meeting is over, you can escort me to class.”

There was an edge to his prince’s voice he didn’t like. It had shown up after his phone call with the rude frat brother last night, but when he’d pressed, Remi had just clammed up, refusing to tell him about what was said. Jeremiah really didn’t get the whole fraternity thing. Remi was a brat at times, sure, but he was mostly just a scared and kindhearted young man. Afraid of his future but loyal to his family.

What could he possibly have in common with the douchebag humans in Kappa Alpha Chi? As far as Jeremiah could tell, they were all entitled assholes.

What was his sweet prince doing with them?

When he’d tried to get Remi to explain why staying active in the frat was so important, he’d gotten huffy and shut himself in the bedroom all morning.

Jeremiah wasn’t a fan of being ignored by his mate.

He cleared his throat. Not his mate. The crown prince could not be mated to a Hellhound.

Following Remi out of the SUV, he raised his brow at the stink eye he got. “What?”

“You can’t come in,” Remi said under his breath, pausing at the bottom step of the front porch. He glanced warily at the door and bit his lip. “They only allow… members inside during the day.”

Jeremiah ground his teeth together. He had a feeling Remi meant they didn’t allow Supes in the house and changed his mind at the last minute. The only reason he could think of for why they’d let Remi join when they were clearly anti-Supe was because of the clout a prince gave them.

His hound rumbled in his chest, infuriated at the idea of their ma—of Remi getting used like that.

“I need to at least clear the hou—”

“No, absolutely not,” Remi said, eyes wide. He glanced at the door again before turning fully toward Jeremiah, who caught movement in the large picture window.

Jeremiah narrowed his eyes. You should hide in there, humans.

“There’s nothing in there you need to keep me safe from—except maybe Deke’s jungle juice, but I won’t be having any of that at noon. It will be fine.”

“I don’t—”

“Like it,” Remi finished, smiling more naturally and taking a step toward Jeremiah. His face softened, and he looked like the sweet boy Jeremiah had known the last two weeks. “I know. Hey, do you want to get sandwiches from that place around the corner tonight?”

Jeremiah stared at him blandly. “You can’t placate me with steak sandwiches, princeling.”

“Sure, I can.” He winked, then turned and jogged up the steps, calling over his shoulder, “See you in a bit.”

Grunting, Jeremiah watched until he disappeared from sight, eyes narrowing when some redheaded human sneered at him before closing the door. The whole frat gave him a bad feeling.

He glanced back at the two additional guys who’d been following and stopped half a block down the street. When they saw him gesture, both hopped out and hustled over.

They were part of Remi’s new detail, and Jeremiah had been impressed with their willingness to follow his orders and take his precautions seriously. Neither ever batted an eye despite the fact the whole detail had to know by now what he and Remi were getting up to in his cozy little apartment. “Cover the perimeter and keep eyes on the exits. Ears open, gentlemen. If His Royal Highness so much as sneezes too hard in there, we’re going in, rules be damned.”

They both nodded and got to it.

Keeping his own gaze on the front of the two-story house, Jeremiah pulled out his phone and dialed Knight. Maybe he was being paranoid, but he had to be sure.

“What’s up, Sunshine?”

“Maybe nothing,” he said, shoving a hand into his hair and scratching at his scalp. “But this fraternity Remi is mixed up in… Something’s off.”

Knight hummed. “Off how? Like you think they’re into something illegal? I’ve heard that’s pretty common for human frats.”

“No, but the name sounds familiar, and the place is giving off bad vibes.”

“Bad vibes.” Knight’s unimpressed voice wasn’t appreciated. Not being born a Supe meant he trusted his advanced senses and instincts less than the rest of them did. But he always had a level head, staying calm even when he or Priest were flying off the handle, and he needed that right now.
