Page 47 of Sunshine

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Jeremiah grinned. Remi was going for nonchalant, but he’d fallen short, the husky quality in his tone giving him away. “Definitely not. I prefer my partners to be… active participants.”

Remi’s fingers clutched at his pillow, jaw tightening. “Don’t… Please don’t talk about other people you’ve fucked while you’re in bed with me.”

Jeremiah’s heart clenched. “Remi—”

His prince buried his face into the pillow, muffling his voice. “I get you have more experience than me, but I hate the idea of you being with anyone else.”

“Shh.” Jeremiah smoothed his hands up Remi’s arms to his wrists, then gripped lightly as he nuzzled into the back of his head, doing his best to soothe and scent him. “You’re right. I’d hate to hear about other people you’ve been with too. It makes me… angry just to think about.”

Remi huffed and turned his head, and Jeremiah took advantage, rubbing their cheeks together. His instincts were driving him to cover as much of Remi as possible with his scent, to claim him in every way possible. Remi made a soft sound and nuzzled back, thrilling Jeremiah and his beast.

“I haven’t…”

When he didn’t finish, Jeremiah nipped at his ear. “You haven’t what?”

Breathing shakily, Remi whispered, “Been with anyone else. Not… completely.”

Jeremiah froze for a second, his brain stuttering to a halt, and then he squeezed Remi’s wrists and growled. “What?”

He didn’t mean to sound angry—he was just in shock. There was no way he’d just heard what he thought he had. When Remi flinched at his sharp tone, he felt like complete shit.

“I’m sorry if you feel like I misled you,” Remi said brokenly, tugging at Jeremiah’s hold and grunting in frustration when he didn’t let go.

“That’s not… I’m not upset.” Jeremiah focused on steadying his breathing and relaxing against Remi’s back. “I’m just surprised. You’re so fucking beautiful. You must be beating them off you with a stick at school.”

Remi scoffed, and it wasn’t a nice sound. “Hardly. And my one semi-serious boyfriend… Well, let’s just say it was less serious for Ozias than it was for me. When I suggested we, you know, take things to the next level, he dumped me instead.”

The pain in Remi’s voice was like a knife to the gut. He wasn’t sure what was worse: the idea of Remi still hurting over a breakup with another man or the fact that he’d been hurt at all.

“He’s an idiot,” Jeremiah snarled, meaning it with every fiber of his being.

“He’s not.” Remi sighed. “He just wasn’t interested enough in me. Said we weren’t meant for each other and apologized for leading me on.”

“I could kill him and make it so no one ever found his body.”

He was… half-joking.

Remi laughed and craned his neck around. Jeremiah met him halfway, unable to resist stealing a quick, hard kiss. “That’s sweet, I think.”

He wasn’t sure if he should inform his sweet little prince that he’d do just about anything for him. Take a bullet. Kill a rival. Destroy an empire.

There was no limit to his and his hound’s devotion.

Knowing it would be better to keep that to himself since there could be no real future for the two of them, he instead peppered kisses down Remi’s neck and across his shoulders, giving them both this moment, at least. One day soon, he’d have to watch Remi walk away from him, but for now, he was Jeremiah’s little princeling.

It would have to be enough.

Before long, Remi was squirming beneath him, letting out soft, sexy moans.

“You’re still hard,” Remi whispered, wiggling his ass and rubbing against Jeremiah’s cock.

He huffed a laugh. “I’m pressed against your naked body. Of course I’m hard.”

“Are you going to do something about it?” His husky voice, combined with the way he peered over his shoulder and bit his lip, had precome leaking from Jeremiah’s aching cock.

Humming, he gently bit right where Remi’s neck met his shoulder, being careful not to break the skin. But fuck did he want to. To sink his teeth and dick inside Remi at the same time and make it crystal fucking clear to everyone in a mile-wide radius that the crown prince of Midlona was his.

Remi whimpering and canting his head to the side didn’t make pulling away from that deliciously tempting spot of skin any easier.
