Page 9 of The Summons

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I sit across from him and help myself to a glass of cognac from the tray on the low table that separates us. I nod. “As safe as can be expected, all things considering.”

Mickle rubs his jaw. “Does she suspect anything, you think?”

I toss my drink back in one swallow, then shrug. “Who knows? Would it matter if she did?”

“No. Not in this case it wouldn’t.” Mickle shook his head as if to reaffirm his statement. He then looks at me, squinting. “You know, you’re supposed to sip cognac, not chug it down.”

“Perhaps if you would stop bouncing your damn leg, I would. I just traveled—”

The sound of the door leading to a secret passageway had me shutting up and both of us turned in our seats, holding our breath.

Peter Jones, at the age of 25 was the youngest member of our team, strolled in with a huge grin on his face. He thought everything was a joke. Most times it was, but not this time, the stakes were too high.

He flopped down into the chair beside me. Leaning forward, he snagged a glass off the tray and looked at the scowling Mickle. “What’s up with you mate?” he asked.

“Must you come through that entrance every time?” Mickle questioned, bouncing his leg even faster. “You know it’s haunted.”

“Pfft, it ain’t haunted!” Peter said, waving his hand in the air. “I go through it every meetin’ and not once have I seen a ghost.”

“You will,” I muttered. “When you’re least expecting it.”

Peter grinned. “Nah... you have to be a believer, and I’m not, remember?” He looked around the room and said, “So, where is everyone?”

I look at my watch. “Jake is running late, and Ivan is upstairs talking to some blonde at the bar. Or was, when I went by.”

Peter laughed. “Knowing Ivan, he’s upstairs shagging the broad by now.”

Mickle tsk’d. “Do you have to be so crude?”

“Oh, come now Mickle,” Peter said. “Maybe you need a good shagging yourself, stop that knee from bouncin.”

I had to laugh at that myself because that’s exactly what I was going to say but the kid beat me to it.

“What the hell is going on in here, is that laughter I hear?” Jake strolled in looking like an old-time gangster. He looked like that because he was.

“Hells yeah. Was just saying to Mickle that he might do good having some sex.” Peter laughed.

I glanced at Mickle and saw the pent-up emotions brewing just below the surface.

“Enough,” I growled at Peter.

“What?” He had the decency to look ashamed. “Was just having a lil fun is all.”

I raised a brow. “Yeah? Keep pushing him and see how much fun you have then.”

Jake sat in the chair next to Mickle and placed his hand on Mickle’s knee. “You need to learn to relax mate.” He raised his eyes to me. “She’s here, right?”

“Indeed, she is.” Looking at my watch again, I continued. “She should be here any second. I instructed the owner to bring her down.”

Jake nodded. “Good. The faster we get on with it the better for everyone. Do you think she’s the one?”

I shrug. “Won’t know until she tastes it, but I’m fairly confident that she is.”

The pull I have always had for Cassidy is telling enough for me.

Jake nods and asks, “Where’s Ivan?”

“I don’t know. I’ll call him.” I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and stabbed his number into the keypad. On the fifth ring he picked up. “Where the hell are you?” I asked in way of greeting.

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