Page 51 of The Summons

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Chapter 22

C assidy


I ’M STANDING AT THE foot of the bed looking down at the hideous gown that I’m supposed to don and cross my arms over my chest. “I refuse to wear it. It’s old, gross and it stinks.”

Mickle looks at me like he wants to take a chunk out of my neck, but I show him no fear. After what Cash told me while we were showering, I now know that I’m in control of the situation and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let an undead rule me. “I’ll wear what I have on.”

Cash chuckles as he knew this was going to happen. I told him the second that he told me that he would need to lift the spell that blocked them from entering the room.

The others look at me as if I have grown a horn out of the center of my forehead, and I might as well, considering my current fashion attire. Remember when I said I brought the worst of the worst clothes I own? ... Yeah. Well, my current getup ranks #1. I smooth a hand over my belly, (praying that if anyone’s sperm takes hold it’s Cash’s), as I look down at the soft pink fuzzy onesie I’m wearing, complete with a hoodie that is currently sitting on top of my head. It’s basically a unicorn costume but for sleepy time.

Mickle huffs. “You CANNOT wear that! ”

Peter scratches his head. “You did say that Cassidy must feel comfortable.” He darts his eyes to me and grins. “I say let her wear whatever she wants.”

Jake nodded. “You did say that.”

“I don’t care what I said... she cannot wear that. The ritu... prophecy won’t allow it. I will not have my wif... You, wearing that!”

“What was that you were about to say?” I squint at him.

“Nothing.” He said, clearly flustered. “It’s fine, wear whatever you want. We need to get to the castle now.”

I look at Cash, and he nods at me. He too caught the slip up.

Ivan smacks his hands and rubs them together. “Let’s go have a wedding!”

I roll my eyes as I head towards the door, wishing that the floor would just open and swallow me up.


W E ARE ALL STANDING in the castle chapel, which to me in a sense, is an oxymoron, considering what happened earlier down below. Why would there be a chapel that is supposed to be pure, in an evil witch’s castle? Frankly it doesn’t matter and as we wait for Mickle to get his shit together, flipping through his book of spells, I’m starting to rethink my choice of wedding attire. I’m sweating my ass off and with the vampires around us, I fear before the ceremony has even begun that the smell of my swampy ass will be a turnoff, even for Cash.

‘No worries there sweet one, you could never turn me off.’

I give him a side eye glance and see his quick smile as he squeezes my hand reassuringly.

“Yes, here we are,” Mickle announces as he lays the book down on the podium, and like a proper member of a clergy begins speaking in what can only be old Irish.

I tune him out and glance around my surroundings and considering the shape of the rest of the place, it’s darn close to being pristine. Which leads me to believe this isn’t the only ceremony that has taken place in the past centuries.

Whatever the case, hand in hand with the altar at our backs we begin to recite the vows that come from Mickle’s spell book. Which again is bullshit. Just a bunch of drivel that still doesn’t have me truly married to Cash. I swear to all that is holy that once this is all said and done, I will be dragging him to a justice of the peace if I have to.

“You may now kiss your bride Cash.”

I shake myself out of my thoughts because for once, Mickle is giving us permission to touch. Not like it really matters.

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