Page 45 of The Summons

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I sit for a moment lost in thought as the images of those pictures flit through my mind. “Wait a minute...” I snatch my phone off the blanket in front of me and open the photo gallery. Turning the phone towards Cash, I say, “I completely forgot I took this.”

He bends down to look at it and laughs. “You took a selfie in the cave?”

“No!” I chuckle, as I turn the phone back to me and swipe that photo away. “Well yes. But not intentionally, I accidently hit the button and it reversed the screen on me. Anyway, I also forgot that I took these pics before it.” I hand him back the phone and watch his expression. “You did say you never saw Mickles copy of Lilith’s book yourself, right?”



“No, never have.” I shake my head as I take the phone from Cassi and stare at the image on the screen. It’s a rough sketch of four people having sex. Which presumably would be us, and two of the vampires.

I raise my eyes to her. “So, you saw two drawings in Mickle’s book of people having sex?”

“That’s right. Here let me see.” She holds out her hand and I give her the phone back. I watch her as she taps the screen a few times. I inwardly groan when she stands up and moves to stand beside me. The mere scent of her shampoo goes straight to my dick. After last night, this woman scares the hell out of me. I knew I always loved her but to think I had to share her with two other men was enough to drive me insane.

“Now, look at this. It’s from what Roger sent.” She holds the phone in a way so that we both can look at it and I’m shocked to see the same sketch. With only two people having sex. But what interests me the most is the four gathered around, watching, they are the ones that I take note of. Especially when each of the figures has a set of fangs hanging out of their mouths.

“Presumably this is our wedding night,” she says. “Which we had last night.”

A triumphant smile spreads upon her lips.

I need to take a step back before I throw her down on the bed to relive last night. “Well, we know that Mickle is lying about his age. So, it only makes sense that he would lie about the prophecy saying our marriage has to be consummated with two of them. But why?”

“You want to know what I think?”

“Of course.” I nod.

“He was a witch before Lilith turned him?” She looks at me for confirmation.

“Yes. Once he turned, he lost his magic. I mean he can still do a few things, but nothing compared to what he supposedly was capable of.”

“And I’m a pure witch or whatever you want to call it?”

I laugh. “Yes. The magic is in your blood from Lilith. Mickle was taught, that’s the difference.”

She rubs her chin in thought. “I think that he wants me to get pregnant so that vampire babies are born with magical blood.” Her brow crinkles and she says, “Never mind, that’s a stupid idea.”

I take her by the shoulders and look her in the eyes. “No, it isn’t! That’s exactly what he has planned!”

“So does that mean because we are already married and had sex that we don’t have to go through with Mickle’s plan.” Her hopeful eyes stared into mine.

I hate to break it to her, but I have to. “I want that more than anything. I go blind with rage whenever I think about them touching you, but Mickle is up to something. And until we find out exactly what that is, we must go through with it. If we deviate from his plan at all. He will know we are on to him.”

She shrugs her shoulders. “Let him.”

I look deeply into her eyes. “We can’t. If we do, the others will side with him and attack us. I can’t fend them all off at once and once they kill me, heaven knows what they will do to you.”

She pulls away from me but not before I see the defeated look in her eyes. “Why don’t you take a nap?”

“I’m not tired. What I need is to get out of here, go for a walk or something.”

I head towards the door and say, “Take a nap, we’ll go for a walk together when I get back.” I call King George to the room and the wolf appears on the bed. “He’s a cuddler. Take a nap with him, I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?”

I turn around and look at her. She’s already snuggled up to the beast, with her arm laying over him softly snoring.

I turn myself invisible then quietly I leave the room and head down to the basement...hoping like hell they won’t smell me.

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