Page 32 of The Summons

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“Like, are they there as witnesses or are they trying to get me pregnant? Because if that’s the case I’ll be bringing a wooden stake.”

“I don’t think so. What would the purpose be?”

I get up and cross to the window to look out and see the forest off in the distance. I turn to look at him. “Have you ever read Lilith’s spell book?”

“Pfft, yeah right. Mickle doesn’t let anyone touch it.”

“Can you make me invisible?”

“Why, what do you have in mind?”

“I want to see that book.”

I walk over to my suitcase and begin to paw through it, finding a black track suit, I strip my robe off. Standing there naked, I pull the hoodie over my head, fully aware that my breasts are jiggling enticingly.

Cash hisses. “Woman you’re going to drive me insane, you know that right?”

I smile at him as I pull it down and stuff my cellphone in the pocket then reach for the pants. “Well, can you conceal me or not?”

“I can do one better... I’ll make us both invisible.”

True to his word, we both exit into the hallway, like ghosts on a nightly stroll. He’s assured me that no one can see us, but he didn’t mention if animals could. Which I find out soon enough that the hotel cat can certainly spy us as it sits on the front desk with it’s back arched and hissing. Cash raises his hand, and the cat promptly passes out.

‘You didn’t hurt it did you?’ I silently ask.

‘Nah, he’ll wake up soon enough.’

With a sigh of relief, I follow him out the front doors into the darkened night.

“Where are we going?” I’m having a hard time keeping up with his long strides.

“To their lair... They will be out feeding now.”

His words sicken me, and I gag at the thought of it. “Where is that?”

“In a cave. Hug me.”

“Huh?” I say then stumble into his ass because he’s bent over like a football player only, he’s looking at the grass. I look around, seeing no one, I ask why.

“Easier to fly there. Just climb on and hang on. I got you.”

Expecting him to pull out a broom from the ground, I wait excitedly. I always wanted to know what it felt like to fly, soaring above the treetops like a bird.

“What are you waiting for? Get on my back.”

“Oh! I was waiting for a broom. You mean like a piggyback?”

He laughs. “Yeah, something like that.”

I scramble up his back and he hangs onto my legs. And just like superman we’re off the ground and flying. Only it was more like a fricken cyclone.

This time when I started to gag, I just let it hurl through the air.

“I forgot to tell you to close your eyes.” He laughs as the sound of my upchucking echoes off everything we pass like a bat’s sonar.

Finally, my head and stomach stop spinning and with repeated swallows, I manage to keep the bile where it belongs just as we start to slow down.

“This is not flying!” I say into his ear.

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