Page 26 of The Summons

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With a worried look at me, Mickle says, “That was Lilith’s familiar.”

I frown at him as Cassidy trembles in my arms. “How is that possible? Should it not have died when she did?”

He shook his head. “Not necessarily. Either way, having it appear tells me that something sent it and I’m betting it was her from the grave.”

Cassi pulled back and looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “I’ll do it. I’ll marry you and... and if I must I’ll even have sex with” —she looked around me to the four standing there and lowered her voice— “...them. But only two, is that right?”

“Yeah, only two.” I nod. “You can decide which ones.”

She scrubs a hand over her face and whispers, “Fine. Then I pick Jake and Peter.”

I turn to look at the men standing behind me. “Cassidy has decided she’ll do it. and picks Peter and Jake, to help consummate it.”

“Fuck me!” Ivan shouts then spins on his heel and leaves.

“My oh my!” Jake laughs. “He’s a bit butt hurt, isn’t he?”

“He’ll get over it,” Mickle says as he steps forward taking Cassidy’s hand in his. He presses his lips to the back of it then said, “Thank you my dear. I feel as if I’ve waited an eternity for this moment. You have nothing to fear. Jake, Peter and especially Cashel will take care of you. We will arrange for the wedding to be three days from now, at midnight to give you time to process everything.” And with that he left by bowing out of the room.

Peter then stepped forward. “I want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to help you. Just please don’t scream.” He grins. “I can’t bring myself to rub dirty ashes in my ear and I think blood pooling out of them will spoil the mood.” With that he also left the room and Jake was the only one left.

“We will take care of you Cassidy,” he said. Lightly he took her by the shoulders and Cassidy winced.

Squinting, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

Jake pulled his hands away and looked at them. When he saw her blood on his hands, his nostrils flared and his eyes rolled back.

“Get me out of here.” He roared in agony, as his fangs started to grow in length.

Jumping on the spot, Cassi yells. “Holy shit!”

I yank her behind me and say, “Sorry buddy, you know I have to do this.” Raising my hand, I swept it through the air and shoved Jake out of the room. “You’re no longer welcomed in here.”

The door slams shut, and I seal it with a spell. I looked to see if she was still standing or passed out on the floor and I’m relieved to see her sitting on the bed.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel then went back to her side. “Here.” I handed it to her. “Take your shirt off and wrap this around you.” I told her before going back into the bathroom to scrub my hands clean. I returned to see her sitting there. Her hair laying softly on her bare shoulders and she’s holding the towel just above the swell of her breasts. Swallowing hard, I went to the nightstand and took out a first aid kit that I knew was there because I manifested it. I wanted to appear as normal as possible, she had enough scares for one day.

I knelt before her as I set the kit on the bed beside her and took out what I needed to clean her wounds and stitch her up if needed.

I rip open a pack of gauze and soak it in alcohol. Taking hold of her right upper arm, with the gauze poised, I look at her and my gaze softens. “This is going to sting. Can you move your hair aside for me?”

“I don’t feel so good.”

I frown. “What’s wrong?”

“I feel like I’m going to throw up.” She jumps off the bed and races to the bathroom.

I go to her and she’s dry heaving over the toilet. My hand brushes against her neck as I gather her hair up to hold it out of the way and I find her skin scalding to the touch. Worriedly I wait for her to finish and when she does, she leans back against the tub in a heap of exhaustion.

The towel that’s wrapped around her has slipped and one rosy, pink nipple peeks out at me. I pay no mind to it as my gaze settles on her shoulders. The wounds are an angry black color and so are her blood vessels. She’s been stricken down by Lilith’s imp. I know what I must do and it’s not going to be pleasant for either of us.



I don’t know why I suddenly felt so sick. Probably because I was just attacked by a swarm of flies that took the shape of a winged creature with a forked tongue, or maybe it was the fact that a man that I had to have a foursome with, in 3 days just wanted to suck my blood dry. Either way, I had to run to the toilet before I upchucked in Cash’s face.

He was sweet about it though, holding my hair back as I got cozy with the throne. And now I’m resting against the coolness of the tub and all he wants is for me to stand. I don’t want to stand. I want to sit here and sleep off whatever it is that’s caused me to make an intimate acquaintance with the toilet.

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