Page 15 of The Summons

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“Two weeks, Cassidy,” Cash replies.

“Aha! My birthday is two weeks and a day!” I declare, relieved, that I can’t possibly be the chosen one.

“You’re in England, it’s already tomorrow your time.” Ivan smirked.

I glared at him. “Great. Thanks for bursting my bubble.” I start my pacing again and blurt out, “Fine okay, so I’m the chosen one. A witch, a reluctant one I might add.” I throw my hand in Cash’s direction. “And apparently Cash is too. So, what are the rest of you?”

“You haven’t figured it out yet?” Peter asked.

I drop my hand and smack it on my thigh. “Nope. Call it jet lag or call me dumb. I have no clue.”

“Well.” Jake leaned back in his chair and put his feet on the coffee table, crossing his legs at the ankles. “Peter, Ivan and I are all vampires.”

I raise a brow. “Really?” I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this point.

“Yeah.” Jake nods. “Mickle was a witch but isn’t anymore.”

That got me excited. Smiling I turn my eyes on Cash. “You mean that I don’t have to stay a witch?”

“You don’t have to practice witchcraft if you choose not to. You have powers, always have. You just didn’t know you had them. I’ll teach you.”

“Great, I can do that I suppose.” Somewhat relieved, I remember what Cash told me earlier. “But you said that it’s entirely up to me if I help right? So, what if I don’t want to?”

Mickle turned and advanced, stopping within inches of me. “If you don’t, everything that you hold dear will be gone. Your family, your friends, your nonexistent job, your favorite TV show, your favorite food, your phone. Will. All. Be. Gone. But you, you will remain, that is your curse for not accepting her gift and become immortal just like us.”

“Us?” I ask in a hushed whisper. “Does that mean you’re a vampire too?”

“Yes. I’m the one who reported her to the Spanish Inquisitors, Lilith’s second husband. The one she cast the spell on.”

This time when I hit the floor, I was out cold and quite frankly I wished I could have stayed that way. But they had an agenda...

Chapter 7

C assidy


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