Page 12 of The Summons

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Realizing the vulnerable position I’m in, I open my eyes to see five men peering down at me.

“Oh, no, there she is, keep opening those peepers, beautiful,” Jake encouraged.

“Keep your endearments to yourself,” Cash grumbled, as he helped me sit up. “Are you alright? Did you hit your head?” he asked, running his fingers over my scalp.

I have to admit, his fingers massaging my head had me feeling like ice cream melting on a hot summer’s day. If we had been alone, I wouldn’t have hesitated tackling him to the floor and having my way with him. But seeing how that wasn’t the case, I smacked his hand away and grabbed Jake’s instead. “Help me up, would you?”

Jake grinned as I placed my hand in his and looked at Cash. “You were saying?”

“Fuck off,” Cash muttered as he stood and stalked over to the drinks.

Jake ushers me to the chair I had been sitting in then he walks over to a fridge behind a bar and takes out a can of Coke. Popping the tab, he holds it out for me to take. “Drink this, the sugar will help.”

Chapter 6

C assidy


I GUZZLE THE FIZZY goodness just as fast as Cash is banging back drink after drink, only I let out a huge burp.

Mickle rolls his eyes. “Are we certain we have the right one?”

“I’ll say. She has the sirens wail. The blood coming from my ears can attest to that,” Ivan muttered.

“Aye.” Peter agreed.

“I told you both to rub that salted earth in your ears...” —Mickle sniffed as he plucked a speck of fuzz off his coat sleeve— “ only have yourselves to blame.”

Not sure I heard right; I blink in disbelief. “Salted earth? In your ears?!”

Peter nodded. “Yes, from a grave—”

I stood up and yelled. “Enough!”

Five sets of eyes were fixed on me and as I looked at each set, I saw something. Call me crazy but what I saw was fear. It was then that I knew I was in total and utter control over these five men.

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