Page 59 of Ben

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“Yeah, we can do that,” I say, moving toward the couch and lowering myself onto it. Ford joins me, pulling me into his side and then Cash sits beside me, his hand running down my thigh.

“I have a crazy idea, but hear me out.”

“Love when Cash gets crazy ideas,” Ford says with a laugh.

“I think we should go on a date.”

“A date?” I ask, and Cash nods.

“Yeah, the three of us.”

I turn to peer at Ford, but he’s just nodding along.

“But what will people think?” I ask as Ford starts to slowly massage my tight shoulders. He does have a way with his hands. Love them on me, soothing me.

“That we’re the hottest throuple on Earth,” Ford says smugly, and I scoff.

“Guys, that’s—it’s too risky. What if someone sees us?”

“Who’s gonna care?” Cash asks, and I bite my bottom lip.

“Can I think about it?” I ask, and Cash nods.

“Yeah, you can. Think all you want, Benjamin, but listen,” Ford says, grabbing on to my chin softly and forcing me to look at him.

“We’re gonna date the fuck out of you. Cash and I. There’s no running away this time.”

My mind spins, my heart rate thundering. If I do this, if I agree to this, it’s serious. It’s more.

“Okay,” I say, and Ford beams.

“Fuck yeah,” he says, and Cash pulls me in for a long kiss before tilting my head and letting Ford lick into my mouth. But that’s where it stops, the two of them closing in on me and making me feel warm and drowsy instead. Nothing about this moment is sexual. It’s just them soothing me, making me feel safe and surrounded.

I want to call out of work and spend my day with them, want to just let them take care of me. But I can’t. I have to work, have to play it cool.

I might have agreed to let this be more serious, but I can’t let myself dream too big.

When it’s time to leave for work, they both walk me to the door clad in only their boxers and take turns kissing me, long and slow until I’m panting with need once more.

I have to wrench myself away and refuse to look back at them as I leave or else I might never make it to work.

But when I get to work, I am useless, just sitting at my desk with my head in the clouds. I’m just counting down the minutes until I can get back to them, until I can fall into their arms and let them hold me, fuck me, make me lose my mind with pleasure.

I can’t believe this is my life.

But I know I can’t hold on to this, can’t cherish it because this is gonna end in the worst way.

It’s the only possible outcome.

Because if my dad finds out, it will have to end. There isn’t any other option. I went into this knowing it and did it anyways.

And yet, I still run out of work at the end of my shift, driving like hell to make my way back to them.

They want to date me.

They’re serious about this, I think. Serious about me.

My god, why am I so lucky?
