Page 45 of Ben

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I wake up feeling a heady throb beating through my body. It’s a persistent drum of inexplicable need. I need them.

Need them.

I stretch my naked body out and feel the hairy legs of someone beneath me and another behind me.



The two men I never thought I’d have again are in bed… with me.

My eyelids slowly open and despite the dark room, I notice I’m half sprawled out on Cash, my arm thrown over his chest, my head tucked into his shoulder. And Ford is behind me, his hand resting on my stomach, his leg thrown over mine.

I’m in a man sandwich,I think and then shove the silly thought away.

Oh god, it’s not silly. It’s real. I’m between these two men and my cock is throbbing painfully. The need to be filled is so intense I almost lose my ability to breathe. I shift my hips backward and feel Ford’s hard cock slide up against my ass. Even through his boxers, I can feel the hard heat of him.

Oh god, oh my fucking god.

My fingers curl up on Cash’s chest, and I hear him groan as I rock my hips forward and drag my bare cock against his side.

“Mm,” Cash hums after a moment, and I feel Ford shift behind me, the two of them starting to wake up.

I don’t even know what time it is. Don’t even fucking care. All I know is it’s time to be fucked. It’s fuck o’clock. It’s been so long since I’ve had them, and here they are, crowding me with their body heat, their scent. Individually, they smell delicious but combined, their fragrance is almost orgasmic.

I continue to rock my hips back and forth, and I feel the two of them wake up, their hands and bodies starting to move.

So many hands on me. Rough hands, manly hands. I can feel the slip of their metal rings dragging across my skin.

Ford’s fingers drift down my stomach and brush my cockhead, making me exhale sharply as Cash’s hand slides up my arm and curls around my neck.

“You awake?” Ford asks, his hand wrapping around my dick, and my hips jerk forward.

“Yeah,” I breathe as Cash’s thumb slides across my lower lip. My tongue slips out and traces his skin, and I hear him let out a long shaky exhale.

“You need us, Benjamin?” Ford asks as he slowly works his hand up and down my cock.

“Yes,” I groan, moving one hand back to pull Ford’s face into my neck while the other cups the side of Cash’s face. I can’t fucking move, too turned on to try and pivot my body so they can have better access to me. But neither of them seems in a hurry. They’re taking their time, teasing me with their small touches until I’m panting and groaning. Practically begging.

“Think he needs to be fucked,” Ford says softly, his hips rocking against my ass, foreshadowing what’s to come, what he’s gonna do to me.

“I need it,” I nearly wheeze, my entire body writhing between the two of them.

“What do you need?” Ford whispers.

“Everything,” I hiss and then groan when he moves his hand off my cock and drags his fingers up my side.

“Cash told me he hasn’t fucked you,” Ford says, biting at my ear and then lifting his head slightly to look at Cash. “Did you know Ben can come multiple times? That’s how much of a slut he is for it.”

Cash lets out a groan as he turns toward me, both bodies now bracketing me.

I’m grinding my hips back and forth, my cock sliding against Cash’s while my ass presses into Ford’s. It’s too much, too fucking much for my mind to comprehend. I’ve always dreamed of this but never thought it would actually happen. Just hours ago, I thought it was all over, and now here I am, squished between them.

“Get me the lube and condoms,” Ford says. “They’re in the drawer.”

Cash arches back and then a second later, a large bottle plops down on the pillow.

“Really?” Cash asks, and Ford laughs softly.
