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“Look, I’ll pay you a ridiculous amount for your time and effort. Plus, it’ll give you the chance to experience something new and exciting, which might be just what you need to get your creative juices flowing again.”

This is a crazy idea, but the thought of escaping my mundane life and maybe even getting some inspiration for my writing is tempting. And, let’s be honest, the idea of spending time with a gorgeous billionaire rockstar isn’t exactly unappealing. Though, I still don’t get why in the world Wade Lewis is wanting me to do this.

I could write a book about the entire thing—maybe just not actually name who he is. I’ll have to look into the legalities of that...

“How long do I have to think about it?” I ask, trying to sound more chipper than I feel.

“I don’t know, fifteen minutes? I really need to get on the road,” he says from across the table, typing away on his phone—not even looking at me anymore.

Taking a long sip of my coffee, I watch him, eyes still glued to the screen. I’m not one who condones lying about anything ... but, all things considered, this would be one heck of an adventure.

And man, it’ll make one heck of a book.

“I’ll do it,” I say before I can change my mind.

“Great,” Wade replies, finally looking up from his phone. “Let’s go get your stuff from your house—or wherever you live. I’ll follow you and then we can take my car; it’d be weird for you to drive separately.”

“Good, I wouldn’t know how to get to Texas from here anyway.” I laugh, pushing back my chair.

Wade gives me a weird look. “Really?”

“No,” I stumble over my words, suddenly feeling awkward all over again. “Just a joke.”

He seems to sigh in relief.

This is going to be fun.

I pack up my things and follow him out of the coffee shop before asking him to wait while I make one phone call.

“Hey, what’s up, sis?” Beth says on the other line. “How’s your story coming along?”

“Yeah, well, about that.” I laugh. “You’ll never believe what just happened to me.”

“You know I’m a terrible guesser.” She giggles. “Tell me! Tell me.”

“Do you know who Wade Lewis is?”

“Like the Wade Lewis—the famous Country Rock singer?”

“That’s the one.”

“Yeah! That guy is killer.”

“Well, Wade Lewis asked me to pretend to be his fiancée.”

“Excuse me?” Beth’s voice drops.

“Yeah, I was at the coffee shop, and—”

“I’ve never been more confused in my entire life, Callie,” she interjects. “Why on earth does he need a fake fiancée? And why did he ask you of all people?”

“I don’t know, I’ve been asking him the same questions. But I bet it would make a great premise for a new book. And he offered me a ton of money. It’ll just be for the weekend—for his brother’s wedding.” My eyes follow Wade as he heads toward a truck—which was not the sort of vehicle I was expecting him to get into.

“Wait, are you actually considering doing it?!” Beth exclaims, ripping my attention from the sexy rockstar.

“I am,” I say, suddenly feeling conflicted about the whole thing. “Am I crazy?”

“Absolutely! What if he’s an axe murderer?!”

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