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Callie gives me a teasing grin. “Oh come on, I bet you’ve got some moves hidden away somewhere. You’re a rockstar after all.”

I roll my eyes, but there’s a small part of me that’s tempted to join them. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to let go for a little while.

Before I can make a decision, though, Ava comes up to us, her eyes shining with excitement. “Wade, Callie, you two have to come dance with us!”

I exchange a look with Callie, and she nods. “Sure, we’d love to,” she says, taking my hand and pulling me towards the dance floor.

The music is loud and I can feel the pulsing beat thrumming through my body. Callie looks stunning as she sways her hips to the rhythm. The way her hair falls around her face is mesmerizing, and I can’t help but feel a tug of something deep inside me.

I don’t know that I could have made it through this weekend without her.

It’s not long before Ava and Aunt Jewel have completely stolen the show, doing a hilarious combination of silly dance moves including: the lawn mower, the sprinkler, and—my personal favorite—the shopping cart.

Callie and I giggle at the sight of those two living their best lives—which in turn makes everyone else around them want to dance just as freely. I take her hands in mine, spinning and twirling her with ease to “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond and “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.

I’m surprised by how well we work together, my movements blending into hers as if we’ve been dancing together forever.

The DJ slows it down, and we slow dance to the rhythm of “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” by Elvis Presley like a couple of teenagers at prom—and I am loving it.

I pull her in close, placing my arms around her waist, and she rests her head on my chest. I can feel the rise and fall of her breathing against me, as we get lost in the music. My heart skips a beat as I realize how much I’m enjoying this moment with her—her body pressed up against mine, the heat of her skin through our clothes, the smell of her perfume.

“I love this song,” she murmurs, looking up at me. There’s a hunger in her eyes that matches my own, and I can’t help but feel like we’re in our own little world. The rest of the wedding guests fade away, and it’s just the two of us, lost in the music and the moment.

We stand there, looking at each other for what feels like an eternity.

Then gradually, almost as if by instinct, I lean in and press my lips to hers. Callie seems startled at first, but then responds eagerly, her lips gentle yet passionate against mine. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close and getting lost in the sensation, as her body responds to my touch.

The taste of her lips is intoxicating—sweeter than any dessert. As my lips caress hers, I realize that I’ve wanted to kiss her since the moment I met her—and now that I’m doing it, I don’t ever want to stop.

Her arms snake up around my neck, and I feel her fingers in my hair, gently pushing my head closer to hers, sending chills down my spine. Our kiss is filled with the same fiery passion that we’ve been dancing with as she lets out a soft moan into my mouth.

I feel a rush of emotions that I’ve been trying to push away bubbling up inside me—desire, longing, and a deep sense of connection.

I’ve never felt this way before, not with anyone.

But just as quickly as it began, the kiss ends, leaving us both breathless. We pull away from each other, our eyes still locked in a heated gaze.

“Wow,” Callie says, breathlessly, her voice husky with desire. “That was ... unexpected.”

I nod, still processing what just happened. “Yeah. I don’t know what came over me.”

Before we can say anything else, the moment is interrupted by the sound of someone clinking a glass. We untangle ourselves and turn to see my brother Sawyer with the mic, his arm around Bailey.

“Hey everyone,” he says, his voice carrying over the music. “I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for coming tonight and celebrating with us. It means so much to us to have the love and support of you all. And I especially wanted to thank my brother, Wade, for being here and bringing his beautiful fiancée, Callie along too. I know it isn’t easy for him to get away from the road. But he’s here, and for that, I’m grateful.”

There’s a round of applause, and I can feel myself blushing under the attention, suddenly grateful for the dim lighting on the dance floor. Callie squeezes my hand, offering me a reassuring smile as the wait staff passes out champagne flutes to the guests.

Sawyer continues, “And to Wade and Callie, I just want to say that I’m so happy for you both. You seem to have a good thing going, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for you two.”

My heart sinks as he finishes his speech, and I realize that I’ve been so caught up in the moment with Callie that I haven’t been thinking about the bigger picture. The fact that this is all a lie and that I’ll have to eventually come clean.

But for now, I push those thoughts aside and focus on the present. I smile at Sawyer, borrow my aunt’s champagne glass, and raise it up to him.

“To Sawyer and Bailey,” I say, the words feeling heavy on my tongue. “May your love only continue to grow stronger.”

The clinking of glasses echoes throughout the room and the crowd takes a sip of their drinks. I can feel Callie’s eyes on me, and I know that she’s worried. Worried about what will come next, worried about how we’ll be able to keep up this facade for much longer.

But for now, all that matters is the music, the dancing, and the way Callie’s hand feels in mine.

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