Page 61 of Tempting the Maiden

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She grinned. “Unicorn tricks. I have many. Didn’t you know?”

No, I didn’t. And I didn’t like this plan.

“Robynne will get word of this soon enough. I’ll stay near you,” I insisted.

She shook her head. “No, you won’t. You’ll speed ahead to Robynne and make a plan. A good plan,” she emphasized. Then she chuckled. “Not that I’ll be waiting for some random man to show up at the right place and time to save me.”

I grinned at that echo of our meeting, what felt like a lifetime ago.

“No strings attached, of course,” I whispered. “Only your hand in marriage and entrapment as my bedmate forever.”

And oops. My voice went all breathy there.

Then I slumped. “Nice fantasy, huh?”

She leaned her head against mine. “Not a fantasy. A promise.”

I held her hand tighter. “I swear.” Then I caught myself. “Of course, there’s usually one critical detail I overlook, so brace yourself. Something is bound to go wrong.”

She chuckled. “Everything has already gone wrong, but some things have gone right. Like meeting you. Like last night. Like this.” She indicated our clasped hands. “Besides, it’s like Willa said. The best things in life happen when you least expect them.”

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to convince myself that was true.

Then footsteps stomped outside, and someone hammered on the door. “Enough praying. Time to depart.”

My teeth extended, and the stubble on my chin thickened.

Time to kill that fool, my lion growled.

Marian rubbed her thumb over my hand. “Soon.” She raised her voice to holler, “Coming!” then swooped in for a kiss.

I cupped her face, digging deep to find the strength to follow her crazy plan.

“A few minutes after we leave, find Lord Winthrop. Take his fastest horse and ride to Sherwood Forest,” Marian whispered.

I nodded grimly. This felt more and more like my dreams of the Crusades — but Daniel was right. There was no thrill, no excitement. Just dread, because so much could go wrong, and so many could suffer.

Especially Marian, my lion fretted.

My stomach roiled at the horrible images that conjured up, but I fought them away. I had to focus if I was to protect the woman I loved.

“See you soon,” she whispered, standing.

It took everything I had to remain kneeling. A handy position for the praying it would take to make this plan work.

“Soon,” I whispered. “I promise.”

* * *

I did exactly as Marian said, with one added detail to console myself as her carriage clattered out the castle gate.

“You,” I hissed, slamming a man against the wall.

A gasp went out, and Lord Winthrop, who’d just been freed by his men, gasped.

“Unhand that man!”

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