Page 51 of Tempting the Maiden

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She shook her head. “You’re a knight, at least in your heart.”

The words warmed me. Still, I knew the reality.

“Too bad wishing doesn’t matter.”

She lifted her head, scolding me. “It does matter. Well, maybe not wishing by itself. But wishing and planning and working hard at something — that can get you far. Look at me.”

I grinned, letting my eyes feast on her bare body. “As you wish, m’lady.”

She play-smacked me. “I mean, figuratively. I always wanted to be more than a proper lady. And here I am, plotting to save the country.” She sighed. “Trying to, anyway.”

I kissed her knuckles. “Succeeding. I’m sure of it.”

She didn’t look so sure, and frankly, it was a bit of a stretch for me too. Not because I lacked faith in her, but for the sheer enormity of the task.

“Not settling for being a proper lady, at least,” she muttered, looking fierce. “And definitely not basking in my beauty.”

I laughed. “You could be the most beautiful woman in the land and I wouldn’t look twice, because that’s not what I love about you.”

She stared, and I nearly said, oops. She was the most beautiful woman in the land.

Candlelight bounced off her dark hair, emphasizing the point. Her soft, perfect features shone with the afterglow of sex, and her full lips moved.

Funny how all that had slipped my mind. For a moment, I felt like a fool. How could I forget?

But that was exactly the point. I loved Marian for so much more than all that.

“I mean, you’re not bad…” I joked.

Her smile grew, saying That’s what I love about you. Among other things.

Quiet, happy seconds ticked by as her eyes shone at me.

“Love, huh?”

I held her closer. “Love. So, watch out. I might still go for that mating bite.”

There was so much darkness in the world, but her laughter peppered that with pinpoints of light.

“I hope you do.”

I stroked her shoulder. “What do unicorns do?”

She flapped a hand vaguely. “Oh, you know. We prance around daintily, acting noble and showing off our natural beauty…”

For a minute, she had me. Then I burst out laughing. “Very funny. I mean, how do unicorns bond as mates?”

“Patience, good sir. I was getting to that.”

Sticking an elbow on the mattress, she propped her head against one hand. With the other, she went back to circling my chest.

I was about to joke, but she went all serious, murmuring, “Close your eyes.”

I watched her for a moment, then obeyed.

Around and around, her finger went, her soft touch arousing me all over again.

“Unicorns don’t bite, but they do leave their mark,” she whispered, nestling closer.

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