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“Convincing you that once won’t be enough.”

I want to argue, but I can’t catch my breath enough to form the words. Telling myself I should wiggle away before the sensations steal my every thought, I press closer, wishing a thin strip of fabric didn’t separate us. “Nolan.” I’m ready to beg, whine, or cry.

So much for being a scary Fury. A kiss from him and I’m as weak as the human girl he ignored in Nashville.

He nips my thigh with his teeth, and the bite of pain has me pushing through the daffodil and dandelion yellow haze to see him staring back at me. “Wherever it is you went in your head, don’t go there again. Stay here with me.”

“You bit me.”

“Just a nibble.” He hooks his fingers in my panties and yanks them to the side.

Oh gods. I moan at the first touch of his bare skin against mine where I’m the wettest. No one has done this before. It’s exciting and naughty and I can’t decide if I should run away or trap his hand there so he won’t stop.

“Sweet Sadie, you’re golden even here.” He slides his touch through the curls covering my sex. “You smell so good, and you’re soaking,” he says. “Is this for me?”

I don’t answer. I can’t. Not with him rubbing against my folds. Not with the way he overwhelms my senses.

“Is it?” he asks again and pushes a finger inside me. I see stars at the sudden penetration. It stings yet I need to move, to seek relief or release or something. “Answer me.” He withdraws his touch, and I want to cry. Why does he always have to be so demanding? Say more. Do more. Be more. The man has always pushed me.

“Don’t be mean.” My order loses its snap when it comes out on a pant.

“Oh, I haven’t yet started torturing you with what could be.” A tug on my undies, a catch of his callouses against my softness. “Such lovely panties. They’ll be even prettier sliced in two.” He holds up his index finger and unleashes a claw—a trick of the alphas. Light and shadow play off the sharpness. He slashes through the silk, and it flutters to the ground.


His mouth closes over me, cutting off any protest over his ruining my wardrobe. Holy Hades. He kisses, licks, and sucks until I spiral into a high that competes with flying yet I haven’t unfurled my wings. No, I’m fighting to stay on my feet, my knees buckling, my head spinning, and my world a glorious golden chain that wraps around us, anchoring me to him no matter how many pieces I splinter into as I come apart. Still, I hold back.

“So hot, so wet, so very tight. I’ve wanted you for years. I could smell your arousal, sense your need, feel your pain.” Digging his fingers into my thighs, he drags his tongue up my center. “Let go, love. I’ve got you.” He slings one of my thighs over his shoulder, taking my weight so that I can’t sway, can’t move, can’t fall. “I’ll give you what you need.”

I’m so close, but I’m scared, exposed, vulnerable. “I don’t—”

He sucks my clit between his teeth, and I shatter, shaking and coming so hard that my wings shoot out as if they can’t stand to be trapped another second. Everything in me screams to life down to the tiniest tingling nerve ending. The golden streaks of the mating bond glow so brightly that I wonder how I’ll ever go back to a world of normal colors. Doubt sneaks through me, stealing into my chest to replace the relaxed easiness I savored only a second before.

He tightens his grip on me. “No you don’t,” he says. “I’m far from finished with you. I’ll lick at least another orgasm out of you.” Pumping his fingers inside me, he trails kisses along the inside of my thigh. “Now that I have your taste on my tongue, your scent in my lungs? I’ll never let you go.” His deep voice ends in a growl.

“Please.” It’s the only word I can manage when he has me aching and trembling. I’m not even sure what I’m begging him for, but I need more.

He touches and kisses me until all I can feel is heat—light, golden, wonderful heat bursting violently within me. I fly over the edge again and again, sagging against him, but he holds me up with his shifter strength as if I’m as light as an immortal Fury’s feather. When he lowers us to the ground, I wrap my wings around him like I can hold him here forever.

“Still think we only have one night?” he asks in a gruff whisper that sounds more animal than human.

I’m too far gone to fight. Not when his weight is so delicious, his scent’s soap and pine and Nolan, and his skin is wonderfully warm against my face where I have my nose buried so he can’t see how thoroughly he’s unraveled me. I hum a non-committal noise against his throat, aiming to buy some time to put myself back together. “Night’s not over yet.”

He chuckles a low, dark rumble. “And we’ve only just begun.”

“Dear gods, you’re going to kill me.”

“I’m never losing you again.” His somberness pulls at something deep within me, and I almost tell him we’ll figure out a way to make the mating bond work long distance.

Except a boom rocks the trees around us, shaking the ground beneath us. My stomach rolls and pitches.

Nolan jerks me tighter against him and sniffs the air. “Smoke. Fire.”

Another explosion goes off in the distance. Flames shoot into the air, painting the twilight with oranges and reds. “The Pleasure District. Kiva and Dottie were supposed to be there.” I don’t wait for the bells or for any orders, but I won’t leave Nolan—not after the Huntresses locked him up in the aftermath of the last disaster.

He lifts us to a stand and strips. “I’ll travel faster as a wolf.”

Nodding, I grab for his shirt as he takes it off and tug my skirt down. I leave the scraps of my undies as a lost cause. “I’ll fly above.” He’s solid muscle, chiseled chest, and strong arms. I don’t have a chance to admire the rest of him as he transforms into the giant copper wolf that I’ve missed more than I want to admit. For a moment, I let myself trail my fingertips along his soft fur, and then I’m in the air to fly low enough that I skim the treetops while he races below.
