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“Thank you, my queen, for this offering.” The vow comes out so solemn and serious, and I can almost taste the appreciation on my tongue. It’s a heady intoxicant, more addictive than the wine. “I can never repay such a debt, but I will try.”

With that, he pushes inside me, the head of his cock spreading me as I’ve never been opened before. The pressure there screams—piercing, invasive, and claiming. Puffs of air rush from me so fast that I can’t catch my breath. I’m wet, soaked actually, but he’s so damn big. The sting eases, and the discomfort passes so that when he eases out, I’m left aching for the burn.

“Again?” he asks.


Except when he pushes deeper, he stretches me past the point of full and pain shoots through me, leaving me writhing yet wanting. I squirm against him, seeking relief that I can’t find. Not with him refusing to budge. He’s like a mountain that I can’t move, one that I need to conquer more than anything.

He withdraws, and I hate the absence. I spread myself for him, not caring how that makes me look.

Running his hand along my spine, he says, “Surrender, little warrior.” His grip on my hips pinches as much as the tightness in his voice. He’s struggling for control in this power play that has overtaken the wooing game we were playing.

Who’s ahead? Him or me? I can’t remember. I can’t think.

“Become the sacrifice,” he says, “and you’ll be the only one I worship.”

Releasing the tension, I will my body to relax, to take him when he thrusts inside again. The glide comes easier this time, and I stretch to the point of being full, being stuffed. A moan escapes my lips, and it’s answered by a grunt from him. Another shove, and he’s so deep that everything inside me squeezes like a fist—ready to break, ready to burn, ready to fly apart into a million pieces.

“Now?” he asks, and I’m not sure what question he wants me to answer. The heavy weight of his balls hits my thighs, and I’m coming undone on him. My fingers flex in the cushions, and I can’t stop the trembling. Hot tears streak my cheeks, the salt touching my tongue.

“Leander.” I sob more than I speak, and his name’s lost on my broken voice. Pushing myself back against him, I use him to finish my pleasure, to find the release that I crave. The altar cloths shift and slide beneath me, and still I need. “More.”

“My queen. How have I lived without you?” He moves, and the place where pain meets pleasure spirals into a deep, endless want that I’m afraid I’ll never satisfy again if I have to leave him. He thrusts, and his hooves scrape over the stone floor.

He’s buried so far inside that the piercing rubs against my cervix, discomfort giving way to intense pulsing. A shower of stars explodes deep within me, throbbing and pounding in waves that might match my heartbeat, except I can’t focus on any single part of my body. Rapture. This is what that must feel like. A place transcending elation and euphoria. Time and space in another realm where the guttural sounds escaping me don’t matter because they’re ours.

The world breaks and crashes through me, a spinning spiral that detonates like a star exploding. Reverence, exaltation, blasphemy, treachery, and idolatry—they all tear through me as though pulling me apart at invisible seams. I scream out my climax, bliss and impending grief pouring from me in equal parts.

Where one begins in a celebration of the orgasms tearing through my whole body, the other ends in mourning the loss of what’s to come in a few days. I need this as I’ve never needed anything before—the bone-deep, soul-bonded connection that rips through me, leaving my legs and arms shaking as though I’ve tapped into a spiritual awakening, riding on a magic high.

Darkness and colors flood my vision, lights continuing to dance behind my eyelids when I close my eyes. Galaxies swirl there in ribbons of infinite possibilities. The last thought I have before I pass out, slamming down against the altar with the scent of sacred wine and sex filling my nose, is that Leander has ruined me for anyone else.



Magic ripples from us to the very edges of the temple in massive waves, a tsunami of power that comes crashing through me and my mate. Gods, how much raw magic did we create? Between the two of us, we went from the spark of the fiery abilities that I remember, to a volcano of infinite possibilities. I could reshape the entire realm with the energy flowing from the altar.

Her body goes limp beneath my grip. “Meg?”

She doesn’t answer, and panic sets in. Irrational, since I should be able to heal her with the amount of magic she has created. Yet worry that I’ve hurt her with my size, my forcefulness, my need to bury myself in her and claim her as my mate—those claw me like monsters crawling up from the hell dimensions.

“My queen?” I roll her over and pull her into my arms. The scent of her sweet orgasms mixed with the wine overtakes me. “Little warrior?” A quick check of her pulse and breathing steadies me. She’s locked in a trance, which means I just need to wait it out.

She gives a low groan. Or was that a moan? Her head lolls against my chest, but she squeezes her thighs together as if she’s still deep in the throes of a never-ending climax. A smile curves her lips, dimples digging into her beautifully rounded cheeks. Gods, my mate is perfection, from her selflessness to her fearlessness.

What other human would’ve been bold enough to suggest sex on an altar? Yet the frantic magic beating within the walls tells me that was right. If we had done this anywhere else, it might’ve brought the maze down.

Sitting on the altar, I cradle her in my lap and savor the sweet sounds she makes in whatever dream world she has stumbled into. Magic overload can show up in a lot of ways. While it’s only happened to me a few times in my long life, the abundance anchors inside my chest and circles outward when I’ve reached my limit. I stay firmly grounded, so the magic has nowhere else to go. Meg, on the other hand, has connected to something bigger and more cerebral. Not surprising, given how intelligent my mate is.

Having her cuddled so close comforts the beast in me. My bull needs her as much as I do. Not for the sake of the realm. She has already saved the kingdom with the magic she made today. But I will lose myself if I lose her. I can’t allow that to happen.

Over the next few days, I’ll prove that I’m the ultimate protector and provider. I’ll make her forget the insults of the man who hurt her, take care of the gentle spirit beneath the fighter, and nurture her game crafting. Her creation of the board she designed before coming here, with Bess’s likeness and my crest? It’s proof that she’s meant to stay here. No matter what I have to do or say to convince her of that.

She blinks her green eyes open and gives me a lazy grin. “Hi.”

“Hi.” The silly greeting seems so weightless in comparison to what we just did, a bubble of sea foam rising above the churning ocean of us.
