Page 64 of Bad Blood

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‘Okay, enough games. Hand over the names.’

‘No chance. You’re thinking that one of our volunteers would take matters into their own hands.’

‘And your refusal to give me their names makes me think I might be right.’

‘No, no. I’ve already told you that none of our people would do that.’

‘Give me their names and we can check ’em out for ourselves,’ Kim insisted.

Reedy crossed his arms. ‘Not happening, Inspector. Come back with a warrant.’

‘Count on it,’ she said, getting up from her seat.

Bryant opened the door for them to leave.

It wasn’t until she got to the car that Kim realised Banksy hadn’t spoken once.


‘Okay, that’s another warrant and two more names to check,’ Penn said after ending the call from the boss. She sure wasn’t leaving any stone unturned on this one.

‘We following the prison lead or the vigilante lead?’ Stacey asked.

Penn wasn’t sure, but he was growing more and more uncomfortable with the boss’s refusal to speak to his colleague.

This wasn’t the natural order of things. He beavered away under his own steam, and Stacey maintained contact. If he was feeling the change in dynamics, then she had to be too.

‘Follow the lead with the biggest dicks,’ Alison said.

‘What was that now?’ he asked.

‘Look at it,’ she continued. ‘We’ve got a guy taunting you with nearly dead bodies. He doesn’t know for sure that they aren’t going to manage to communicate something. He takes the time to pose them to send a message and then he’s shouting about it on social media. He’s waving his dick about all over this. Now that’s either because he really does have a big dick and he wants to flaunt it, or he’s trying to compensate for something,’ she said, wiggling her little finger.

Stacey chuckled but Penn turned towards the behaviourist. Just like he valued a good post-mortem, he liked it when Alison came to play. It was just as riveting to learn about the workings of the mind as the mechanics of the body.

‘Are you saying this is all to do with the actual size of his penis?’

‘I’m speaking metaphorically, Penn. What I’m saying is that this killer is filled with arrogance. That he has an oversize ego that makes him think he can leave whatever tracks he likes and still get away with it. The killings are important, but he could be doing them with a lot less fuss. Why bother with the posing? Why bother to leave them alive? If he didn’t piss about so much with the bodies, he wouldn’t need to contaminate the crime scene. Again, why post on social media? The job is done, the target is dead. Mission complete. Why the sideshow?’

‘Are you going to answer any of those questions? Cos I’m totally invested now,’ Penn said.

‘He wants something. He’s keeping himself attached in too many ways, so he’s definitely after something. But I’m just not sure yet what it is.’

‘Don’t leave me hanging too long.’

Alison chuckled and returned to her screen.

‘What do you want, Stace – warrant or names?’

‘Penn, you don’t have to treat me with kid gloves. I can pull my weight.’

‘I know that, but I’m on a roll with the court orders. I’ll stick with that, and you take the names.’

By far the most interesting, distracting part of the task.

‘Penn, I honestly—’

‘Don’t make me pull rank, Stace,’ he warned.
