Page 54 of Bad Blood

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‘Come on, come on, come on,’ she urged, watching Alison get away from her.

By the time he’d talked her through the carabiners, ascenders and descenders, Alison was a good forty feet ahead of her.

She dug her feet into the crevice and pulled on the ascenders to help her up. She didn’t need to catch Alison, but she did need to be in shouting distance.

The behaviourist appeared to have hit a point that needed a decision. While she debated her next action, Kim was able to gain a few feet. Again, she found herself wondering why the hell anyone would do this by choice.

‘Hey, Alison,’ she called out.

The woman looked down over her left shoulder. ‘Jeez, Inspector. You really do have an issue with boundaries. Go away, I’m not coming.’

Kim pushed up the ascenders another two feet. ‘He’s vomiting verbally all over social media.’

‘Good for him. I’m on holiday.’

One more foot.

‘Looks like he’s posing his victims to form letters, even breaking bones while they’re still alive.’

‘And I am still on holiday,’ Alison hissed.

Kim was running out of temptations. ‘Seems that both boys went to Welton, a youth offenders—’

‘I know what Welton is. I don’t know how many different ways I can tell you that I’m not giving up my holiday to work this case, no matter what you say.’

Really?Kim thought.

‘Shame, cos your best buddy sure could use a friend right now.’

Kim hit the descender as she’d been shown and controlled her journey back to the ground.

‘Hey, what’s wrong with Stacey?’ Alison called down.

Kim unclasped herself and stepped out of the harness.

‘Oi, what’s going on? Why does Stacey need—?’

‘Thanks, guys,’ Kim said, ignoring the voice from above.

She started heading back to the car.

Alison’s cries got weaker and quieter.

‘Bloody hell, guv. That was low.’

She shrugged as she walked.

Alison had called it right – there was no depth to which she wouldn’t sink to get her to work this case.


‘Okay, Stace, I know you’ve got a lot on your mind, but I need your help and I’m running out of time,’ Penn blurted out.

She looked up from her computer. ‘Jeez, Penn, what’s wrong?’ she asked, obviously able to see the panic on his face.

‘I’m meeting Lynne tonight for an early tea. We’re doing a picnic at Clent before she goes on night shift.’

It had been difficult to fit something in around their work schedules, but it was important. Especially today.
