Page 42 of Bad Blood

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As ever when concentrating, Penn had no clue as to what was going on around him.

Bryant rolled his eyes, wheeled back his chair and went to stand behind the sergeant. His colleague was unique, and they were never going to change him.

‘These photos. I was thinking dance for Eric and football for Paul, but I think we’re looking at something else.’

‘Go on,’ Bryant said, looking from one photo to the other.

‘I think they’re letters.’

‘Letters?’ Bryant and Stacey asked together.

‘I’m probably completely wrong but I think Eric was posed as an A and Paul was posed as an R.’

Bryant frowned. ‘I can kinda see what you mean, but I don’t think—’

‘Not so fast,’ Stacey interrupted. ‘With what I’ve just discovered on the PNC, that would make perfect sense.’


‘That’s him,’ Kim said, bumping into Bryant as she stepped out into the corridor.

Her colleague was holding a steaming cup, which she took gratefully, feeling as though she’d been playing a game of caffeine catch-up all day.

‘Who?’ Bryant asked.

‘The man who killed Terence Birch.’

She took a sip of the coffee and handed it back to him to take out her phone.

‘Hey, Vik,’ she said, when the man answered.

‘Bloody hell, Stone. Any more calls and I’m going to have to explain you to my wife.’

‘I’ve got your man, Vik. Here at the station. Walked straight in and admitted everything.’

‘You’re joking?’

‘Nope. I’ll even put a bow on him if you like.’

Kim knew she shouldn’t be so flippant, but the relief was flooding through her. She just hoped she’d got to him in time.

‘Okay, keep him warm. We’re on our way. Nothing to see here anyway.’

‘Where?’ she asked as her blood ran cold. She’d been hoping to catch him before they searched.

‘Birch’s address. All clear.’

‘Oh, o-okay, good to know. See you shortly,’ she said before ending the call.

She fixed her gaze on her colleague. ‘They searched his house and found nothing at all.’

He shrugged. ‘Weird. Must not have been looking hard enough.’

‘Bryant…’ she said as he handed her coffee back to her.

‘Look lively, guv, you’ve got another timewaster to interview and we’re making good progress upstairs.’

He turned and walked away, ending the conversation.

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