Page 121 of Before I Tell You

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It started with only scribbles here and there until, eventually, I couldn’t stop writing.

I took something terrible that happened to me and turned it into something beautiful.

My first book.

And although I am nowhere near finished, it feels good giving my mind a place to escape, a place to breathe.

Because sometimes, when I don’t have a place to escape, my mind wanders back to the day when Nathan was shot. Back to the moment the blast from the gunshot paralyzed me as I watched him fall to the ground, fearing I had lost him forever. Nathan’s eyes locked with mine as a second shot went off, causing my heart to thunder in my chest. My hands were soaked with Nathan’s blood as I tried to keep his shirt pressed firmly to his wound to stop the bleeding. I didn’t even hear the paramedics when they rushed in to take charge of the situation.

As if sensing where my mind has traveled, Nathan spins me in his arms, lightly pushing my hair away from my eyes. “Hey, where did you go?”

I shake my head, glancing up at the man I love. “Sorry, I guess I got lost for a second.”

Leaning down, he presses his lips to the scar above my eye. “Well, let me remind you where you are.” He cups my face in his hands and lightly brushes his lips against mine. “You’re here with me in the most romantic city in the world. And our story is only just beginning.”

“Our story, huh?”

“Well, yeah. The perfect story for your first book. A love story where two people find their way back to each other, all while dealing with shitty situations that life throws their way and, of course, having lots of incredible sex to get through it all.”

“Oh, but of course.” I smile at him.

“Oh God, please promise me you won’t let your parents read this book.” He laughs. “I don’t need them hating me for the things we do to each other behind closed doors or … on top of washing machines.” He covers his face in his hands, shaking his head. “I’ll never be able to show my face again.”

“I can’t make any promises,” I tease, wrapping my hands around his wrists to bring them down, revealing his handsome smile.

“Then promise me this.” He looks tenderly down into my eyes, caressing my cheek in the palm of his hand. “That the two main characters in your book find their happy ending by spending the rest of their lives loving each other, harder and fiercer than any other book couple before them.”

It’s ok if you swoon now because I just did.

“That I can promise.”

Staring into Nathan’s dark brown eyes right before he leans in to kiss me, I know I’m not drowning anymore, not anywhere close to it, because I’m so damn ready to continue our love story.

The End.
