Page 105 of Before I Tell You

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“Oh really? That’s funny because Nathan’s fist to my face tonight tells me otherwise.” I see Brian wiping at the blood near his eye. It looks like I messed him up pretty badly. Good.

“I promise. I promise I didn’t say anything,” Natalie pleads.

Didn’t say what?

“I don’t understand. All you had to do last year was let me fuck you. But instead, you made everything into a bigger deal than it needed to be. You denied me. And no one denies me, Natalie. Especially not you. An entitled bitch with a stick up her ass.”

What the fuck did Brian do to her!?

It takes everything in me to keep my feet planted on the ground when all I want to do is wring Brian’s burly neck.

“Why?” he asks.

“Wh-why what?” Her voice quivers, breaking my heart.

Paul quietly walks up behind me. He sees my phone in my hand and immediately knows what I’m doing.

“Why, Nate?” The longer Brian stares down at Natalie, the more rage consumes me.

Natalie remains silent as tears rain down her innocent face.

“Why?” he bellows.

“Because it’s always been him,” she chokes out through a sob.

Oh, Natalie.

“It could have been me,” Brian responds dryly.

This fucker is jealous.

Paul looks at me with anI told you soface.

“No,” she says harshly. She takes a couple of deep breaths, shaking her head adamantly before continuing. “No, it couldn’t have been because you are nothing like him. And no matter how hard you try, you willneverbe like him.”

This doesn’t make Brian happy. I can see it in how his knuckles tighten by his side, virtually turning pure white.

He steps toward her, eyeing her disgustingly, and every second of this is torturesome to watch.

I won’t let anything happen to her.

I won’t let him hurt her.

I won’t give the motherfucker a chance to lay one finger on her.

“Always dressed like a slut, aren’t you, Natalie? Didn’t you learn anything after last year?” He takes another step, and the second she crawls back against the tree with nowhere else to go, I move to jump in, but Paul pulls down on my arm, making me wait. “You know, I remember so clearly what you looked like on my bed. I think about it all the time. Those perfectly round—”

“I’ll tell him. I-I will. You take one more step, and I’ll t-tell him everything.” Natalie’s words come out trembling. Her whole body is shivering from the cold and fear.

“Go ahead. Who do you think he’ll believe? You, the girl he just started fucking? Or me, his best friend? Please, go tell him. It will be so satisfying to watch.” He laughs with a vengeance as he sneers down at her.

I don’t know this monster.

“What the fuck?” Paul whispers.

My eyes don’t move from Natalie. I watch as she wraps her arms around her legs, and her head drops down in complete defeat. There’s no way she can believe him, right?

“God, the only thing I regret is that I didn’t fuck you,” he growls. “You had to go and kick me right in the balls, Natalie, didn’t you? Can’t say I saw that coming. Didn’t know you had a fight in you.” He shakes his head adamantly from side to side. “But don’t you see? All that did was piss me off.” He pauses before continuing. “But I won’t make the same mistake of letting you get away this time.”
