Page 113 of Obliterate

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With effort, I shake my head. “Tonight, we are going to do thingsmy way. I can do whatever I want with you,remember?Now, let’s get you comfy on that bed. We need to make sure your leg isn’t further injured.”

I help him shift so he’s sitting against the headboard, then maneuver his leg so it’s resting, cradled in some pillows. South doesn’t object, but with each movement, he groans in pain, his face wincing.

I would have thought with the amount he’s had to drink, it would have taken the edge off, but it seems the numbing has officially worn off.

“Fuck, that was a lot of work. But you’re right. Getting my weight off it, the pain lessons,” he begrudgingly admits, and I chuckle.

“Close your eyes and don’t open them. No peeking. Got it?”

“What’re you up to?”

I press my finger to his lips. “Be quiet,” I tell him before I lean down, taking his lips with mine. Our tongues collide, fighting for position, and I moan, my hand slipping down and cupping his balls.

When I pull back, we’re both panting. The room is an echo chamber for our heavy breathing. Slipping off the bed, I search for anything I might be able to use as a blindfold. I find a black satin tie in the back of his closet that will do just fine.

I barely have it across his eyes before he’s protesting. “I don’t think—”

“Shh… trust me.”

South immediately stills, allowing me to secure the tie around his eyes, effectively making it so he can’t see. He’s panting now, his cock visibly throbbing. A bead of precum forms on the tip, and I can’t let it go to waste. I lean over, licking the head before taking him in my mouth and moan from the salty taste.

His hands thread into my hair, and I stop, knowing I’m going to have to do something about him being able to use his hands. He might not be able to see me, but I know that won’t stop him from trying to take over.

I scoot out of his grasp, his cock slipping from my lips.

“I didn’t say to stop, woman. Fuck, you’re killin’ me here.”

Instead of responding, I bend, picking up his jeans and letting the belt whir through the loops. Over my shoulder, I glance at South, who tilts his head at the sound. “Give me your hands, South,” I tell him, and he hesitates, his jaw clenching.

When he doesn’t move them, I slap the back of his hand, getting his attention.

“Damn, angel. No need to get violent.”

“I love it when you are in control, but please, I need this. I need this for me. I need this for us,” I state, and South’s shoulders raise with the deep breath he takes.

He dips his chin, offering his hands to me. I don’t know what I’m doing exactly, but I wrap the belt around his wrists, binding them as best I can. He can easily wiggle out of them with little effort, but I’m hoping he gives this to me.

I take my panties off but hold on to them, an idea sparking. Crawling back onto the bed, I straddle his lap, letting his cock rest between my slick folds.

“Fuck, you’re so damn wet,” he growls out, attempting to jut his hips up, seeking more.

I guide his bound hands up, resting them just behind his head. “You’re to keep these right here, understand?” I ask, and he leans in, trying to nip at my mouth.

“I need to touch you,” he argues, and I giggle.

“Don’t worry, you will feel all of me soon enough,” I promise, wiggling my hips and enjoying the groan he releases. Then I remove my bra, letting it fall to the side.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I grab his hair, pulling it back. I lean closer, ensuring my breasts press against his bare chest as I suck and bite at his throat, now bared to me.

The growl he releases vibrates through his chest, causing my nipples to pebble. I moan, rocking my hips, my own desire making it impossible to take this any slower.

“Dammit, Ingrid. I need to be inside you. You are soaking me. Let me taste you,” South pleads.

“Open,” I order, tapping his lips with my fingers.

He cautiously does so, and I ball my wet panties up, stuffing them inside.

If only he could see me grinning.

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