Page 106 of Obliterate

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Hurricane glares in response. “They will be let go to care for your children, Anton. We will set them up with new housing. We will ensure they’re taken care of. We don’t hurt women or children. Not intentionally, unlike your men did to ours.”

Anton rolls his head to the side, his bones cracking with the tension. “You want to do this, man to man, Hurricane?” he waves his gun haphazardly.

Hurricane goes to step forward, but I place my hand on his chest. “We’ve already lost two presidents today. Think this through. For the sake of your family,” I warn.

Anton chuckles, shaking his head. “Honestly, I’m glad my men didn’t fail completely at their tasks. Taking out some of your men makes me fucking hard,” he sneers, grabbing his cock through his jeans.

We all tense, but Wraith is the one to react. “You motherfucking prick. Don’t talk about our president that way,” he yells, racing forward to get to him, but Anton raises his gun, firing off a round at Wraith. It hits him in the chest, making him fall to the floor.

Anton bursts out in maniacal laughter as Grudge rushes for Anton, wrestling the gun from his hand. Houston crowds around their VP, and the rest of us rush for Anton and Grudge. But Anton overpowers Grudge, shooting him in the side of his chest three times. Grudge’s eyes widen as his body spins, falling to the floor.

“Gruuudge!” Hurricane calls as we race for him.

This time, we don’t hesitate as Anton raises his gun to fire on the rest of us, running toward him. He fires another round, but we all fire back. The sound of dozens of guns all firing at once floods the warehouse, and Anton’s body jerks from the massive number of bullets hammering into him. We shoot multiple rounds at this fucking bastard who has taken so much from us.

We keep shooting. Every brother in here as Houston joins. Anton drops to the ground, blood splattering like fireworks, chunks flying off because so many bullets are driving into his body.

As we reach him, the firing slows to a stop, each of us panting frantically with the adrenaline surging through our veins as we stare down at the bloody, mangled mess of a man.

Emotions are high as Grudge’s dead body lay beside him.

My entire body shakes as we stand in silence, staring at thefinally deadAnton Novikov.

We defeated the Russian Bratva.

We won.

But at what cost?

So many lives have been lost or injured along the way.

How do we come back from this?

Hurricane lets out a loud growl, almost a scream, as he steps up to Anton’s side, unloading another three rounds into what I can only assume is left of his head.“Fuck you!Fuck you for makin’ us do this, you asshole.” He fires off one more round as we all pant, trying to calm down from the chaos we’ve been through.

All of us glancing at each other around the warehouse, but no one is saying a damn thing.

That is until a slight coughing noise makes us snap our heads around to look at Wraith as he clutches at his chest. “Little help… here… please?” he mumbles.

Houston takes off to help their now president.

NOLA leans down by Grudge’s side, all of us mourning our fallen brother.

Hurricane wipes the sweat from his brow as he clears his throat. “We’ve asked a lot of our brother chapters to fight with us today. We’ve lost men. Good fuckin’ men and I can’t explain how undeniably fucked up it is that it’s come to this. That they have perished on my watch. But know this… NOLA Defiance will do everythin’ in our power to get their bodies back to your hometowns as quickly and as safely as possible so you can start makin’ arrangements.”

Suddenly, the doors to the warehouse burst open.

Fuck! What now?

We all snap around, guns drawn, ready to fire, when Alpha stumbles in, his jeans ripped, his cut half hanging off, and his left side looks like he’s been on fire. LA let out a loud cheer as they rush for their president, who we all saw go down with the helicopter.

For the first time since this all started, I manage to smile.

Hurricane lets out a relieved exhale, shaking his head. “How the fuck did you survive that crash, you lucky sonofabitch?”

Alpha limps into the warehouse, looking at the carnage surrounding us. “I was trained in how to jump out of a descending helo. When the height is right, you jump before it hits the ground. Fucking hurt. Pretty sure I’ve torn something in my leg, but I’m alive, ain’t I?”

“You’re a badass, Pres,” Loki states.

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