Page 7 of Binding Fate

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Alzerion faced the king but kept glancing from the king to the queen, hoping for her to intervene, but she merely nodded at him. He knew that he had to obey. So Alzerion followed the King into the hallway.

Alzerion stood with his back propped up against the crème-colored damask decorated wall.

“Alzerion,” the king said as soon as he stepped into the hall.

“Yes, sir,” answered Alzerion straightening his back.

“Is there something wrong? I know you said no before, but it seems likesomethingis bothering you.”

“No, sir, I’m just a little tired.”

The king paused and asked, “Are you certain?”

“Positive,” Alzerion said. However, he saw the king raise his eyebrow. He knew that the king had doubts, but he couldn’t bring himself to confide in him, not yet.

“Well, if that is the case, you should go to bed then. A decent night’s sleep should do you some good.”

“Thank you, sir.” Alzerion bowed his head. Then he left down the hall. As he turned the corner he looked back and saw the king. His head was bent low as he clutched the door, before entering the Family Room.He definitely doesn’t believe me,he thought.

“Francisco, is he alright?” Queen Evalyn was now standing rocking Aironell in her arms.

“He said he was just a little tired.”

“Well, alright. I do hope that’s the only thing that’s the matter. I’m going to put Aironell to bed, and then when I come back, you and I should get to bed.”

“Of course,” replied the king, who moved to the fireplace.

The queen took a few steps toward the door, turned to check on him, and she saw a hollowness in his eyes. She didn’t know what was unsettling him, but she couldn’t remember a time that he looked more perplexed.

“Francisco, I’ m leaving now. Please be in our room and ready for bed. I shouldn’t be long.”

As she left, she saw him wave his hand in acknowledgement.

Meanwhile, when the queen went into Aironell’s room, she put Aironell in a small white nightgown that had tiny sky-blue bows along the neckline. Then she sang Aironell to sleep while rocking, rhythmically, in the rocking chair. The queen had this sweet voice and Aironell never had problems falling asleep when the queen sang to her.

Queen Evalyn slowly ambled to the crib and tucked Aironell into bed. Next, she turned on the mobile, because it had a recording of her singing. Then Queen Evalyn kissed Aironell on the cheek. Aironell looked so peaceful like she did not have a care in the world; there was a sweet little smile across her lips.

With an even bigger grin, the queen turned the lights off, walked out of the room, shut the door, and strolled up through West Wing corridor. She entered her bedroom and looked at her husband. She saw that he changed into his soft red pajamas and was, in fact sitting on the bed. He looked up at her with this forced taut-looking grin. However, the Queen could see right through the façade but thought better than to ask him about it now. It was late, and both of them had quite a trying day. So instead, she went into her bathroom and put on her silky red nightgown. Then she walked to her bed and nestled herself under the blankets. King Francisco clapped his hands, and the lights went out. He rolled over to look at his wife. They kissed and slowly dozed off. And soon they were both encased with the dreams and thoughts of night.

Alzerion walked down West Wing corridor and passed Aironell’s room. He was careful not to make a sound. He couldn’t believe Ulbrick was so near.What if he knew where the palace guards were? What if he knew when… no that would be impossible.He shook his head and tried to convince himself that it was nothing. But as he headed past the East Wing corridor, down the grand staircase, out the big front doors, and into Gorgeous Garden, he knew he did not believe himself. He had to figure out what Ulbrick was doing here, no matter how bad it was.

As Alzerion walked through Gorgeous Garden, he grew pale. He could almost blend in with the pure white roses. He took a few deep breaths in and out. Then he smirked, somewhat, at the many flowers and bushes he passed. He looked at the red roses, picked one up, and put it to his nose for a whiff.

That particular flower was his personal favorite, and it was the scent that Aironell loved best. He could remember the first time he ever put the flowers in her room, like it was on replay in his mind. Her face as it lit up. The scent wafting around the room. Her little giggle and coos as she batted at them.

He sat down on a horseshoe shaped wooden bench and propped his back against the backing of the bench. As he sat he tried to dial down his anxieties in order to think about the events of the evening.How could it be? Aironell was never far away. What kind of a kidnapper would do that?He felt this cool sensation on his back, which forced his thoughts back.

“Ugh,” he groaned as he felt a wetness on his black and red royal robes. “Could this evening get any worse?”

Alzerion stood up and walked out of Gorgeous Garden, and headed on Founders Path. When he came to the point where he had to turn onto Matters Lane, he saw footprints on the ground, which caught his eye. There was only one set of footprints, that deviated from the path. There was nothing but grass and an unflattering view of the palace. There were no entrances, so why would someone walk here?

He followed the footprints. The feeling of being wet long since escaped his thoughts and was replaced with this heavy barrage of questions. Nevertheless, Alzerion followed the prints. He had to duck under some thorny bushes and watch that he didn’t trip over branches and tree trunks.Whoever they belonged to must be clever,he thought.

The bushes and branches blended with the darkness. Telling one thing from another was a challenge, as was seeing the footprints. He squinted his eyes but still, it was hopeless. It was so dark that the tiniest bit of light would go unnoticed. He stopped for a moment and thought about a bright reddish orange flame. Within seconds Alzerion could feel a heat from the palm of his hands. As he focused, that warmth emitted heat waves that erupted into a tiny fire in his hands. He watched as it flickered low and grew bright as the tips danced in a controlled manner. Then he swirled his flamed hands above and around each other, until the flames became one medium-sized ball of brightness. Proud of his handiwork, Alzerion nodded and the flame ball led the way lighting the terrain. He saw where the footprints branched off again into a more wooded area.

He kept moving nimbly until finally the prints veered to the left, which was toward the palace; except that they still traversed in the wooded space.How could I have been so foolish?He knew where this would lead. The prints finally stopped. He disintegrated the flame ball into a thin smoke cloud that blew in the breeze. He knew exactly where he was. He deftly pushed two overlapping branches and then had complete visibility of the palace and the front entrance. It was an elaborate, clever plan. Anyone could walk through the wooded area to get around the guards. They would have been hidden from view. With a bit of magic, hell, you could evade detection as you entered the palace.It must have beenUlbrick. Did he try to break into the palace? Should I have mentioned seeing him to the King? Where is he now? I must find him.

Then he heard a faint hoarse voice behind him. He quickly spun around. The man stood there staring at Alzerion with those dark maroon eyes. Alzerion’s own eyes furrowed a bit as he continued looking. He knew better than to trust the softness of his gaze. It was an act. As he continued observing his demeanor, Alzerion noticed the slight bulge of muscle on his arms, despite being past his prime. As they both stood staring, neither one saying a word, Alzerion focused on the sky, and then flashes of light crept across the sky.
