Page 98 of The Orc Queen

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His lips connect with my forehead, his own eyes taking in my reflections. He doesn’t rush to answer too.

He gently caresses my shoulder. “Destiny does run in circles. Before I was born, I was prophesied to be a powerful King. One who would change everything. When my father raised me, he always taught me I was built for bigger. He didn’t even risk having another child beside me. But none of us knew what the spirits meant. I thought I was doing everything right. Brutality being the mark of a great orc.

“But I would have never imagined this is where my life would end. With a love better than the promise of heaven, a family, and a destiny bigger than life itself. The growing pains were excruciating. When I got banished, I couldn’t understand. I thought it was an end. Fuelled by rage, because everybody was wrong, I could see nothing else.

“It took a hundred years to prepare me to receive the promises of the Gods. The Gods are cruel in their lessons, but I see now, there may not have been another way. We had to go through it all to find each other. And the stars aligned that night we did. You make me a better orc. And your love makes me better. I love every part of you, everything that makes you.”

Our foreheads link as we bask in each other’s love. A prayer for each other, to each other.

Chapter thirty-seven

I Am A Father


Mybootsthumponthe floor as I rush to our dwelling. I should have not left her. And I should have not listened to her when she told me she was fine. I thought since it would be little time. I only had to help free the Soko who was still imprisoned. It has just been an hour.

But she is in labour.

I feel everything.

Fear. Excitement. Happiness. Terror.

So much terror.

I want to barrel through this whole mountain so I can get to her quicker. My ears are hot, and the boots and presence of my cousins don’t even register as I run for my life through the corridor. I screech around the corner to our dwelling where I can hear the loud screams.

Oh no.

She sounds like she is dying. I barrel through the door where I find my mother pacing up and down. I don’t stop for her but she blocks my way to the room where Aria sounds like air will leave her as her cries tear through the whole dwelling.


I know I can’t go in as per tradition but I want to forsake it. I want to see her. I want to be with her. The plan all along was I was going to deliver the children. We were going to do it all just us, but now I can’t even help her through it.

“You know you can’t, son.” My mother says, taking my hands in hers. The action makes me slow down.

“How long has she been like that, mother?”

“She is strong. And she is in great hands,” she says.

I know what she is saying is true because Owa is there, but I want to see it for myself. I don’t trust anyone with Aria. Even if two of the women in there are her mother and Owa, her family.

“She is going to be fine.” Mother says but another heart-breaking scream comes from inside and when I advance to pass my mother two hands grab me from behind.

Zod and Faz drag me out.

I let them because I don’t want to add stress to the situation. They are with me as I pace up and down.

Listening to her wailing for hours gets me more and more scattered but my cousins stand for me even when I almost marry them with the wall a few times when they won’t let me in.

The double doors finally open and my mother gives me one look. I leap for the door and find Hani at the corridor waiting for me. She leads me to the room where two distinct little cries are coming from.

My heart almost stops when I walk in. My eyes find Aria first and she is panting slowly, face covered in sweat, holding two crying little orcs. The world fades as I move closer, feeling like my body isn’t mine anymore and not understanding how I am still upright.

“Don’t cry. Your father is here.” Aria says not looking up at me.

When she finally does, her eyes are glistening with tears.

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