Page 83 of The Orc Queen

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“Hi.” She says in a shy voice looking everywhere but at him.

“Hello, human.” He says warily.

Now it’s my turn to glare at him. OnlyIam human. I have claimed that name for just me. He catches the reason for my glare, and he smiles after he winks.

“Your mother told me what arrived. How did everything go?” I ask.

“He’s still alive. That’s the only sign you must look for.” Kaja says.

“Though he might not be for long.” Zod says under his breath and they all chuckle.

But it isn’t funny. Igor going against three orcs seems unfair. The only thing I am grateful for is that the other orc is said to be feeble. But you never know what feeble really is to orcs.

“That is not funny.” I say, glaring at them.

Igor takes me by the arm, leading me back to the sofas. Luckily, I had the foresight to have another one built together with more chairs. The conversation is lively, and Igor tells us what happened outside as he massages my feet, with Kaja and Faz interrupting him every other sentence.

Zod is quiet as usual. But he keeps looking over to Hannah. Hani and Mulan notice it too and we exchange looks. I stay tucked in Igor’s side until they leave us to be alone later in the afternoon.

“I guess we’ll see you after the orclings are here, Aria,” Faz says.

“Are you going back to the border?” I ask, standing next to Igor who is holding the door.

The group seems to understand something I don’t because they don’t respond but they have amused grins.

“No, not particularly. Imp, you haven’t told her?” Kaja says when he is out the door and a safe distance from Igor who is glaring at his cousins.


Before he shuts the door in their faces, Faz says, “Happy tossing!”

Fits of laughter follows after.

“What is tossing?” I turn to Igor when we are alone.

“It’s nothing you need to worry about. It…it’s just a tradition.” He says cryptically as we walk to the bedroom.

“What is it?” I make a face. So far, their traditions have been a shocker and I just hope this one isn’t something strange.

Igor smirks before he gets behind me when we are in our bedroom and he starts undoing my day braid.

“Talk, orc.” I say impatiently.

“Well…” he starts. “When a woman is expecting, her and her mate are left alone for the last month of the pregnancy.”

“Ooh, that’s nice.” I say.

“Indeed, it is.” I turn when he mutters that in a lower register.

Coming face to face with his hunger, crossing my arms over my chest, I ask. “And why is that, Igor?”

He just smirks even harder as he removes the dress from my shoulders in one swoop. His gaze dancing over my generous chest. “Because we have to pave the way for the orclings.”

I quip a brow. I get the point, but why does it have to be an actual tradition?

When I say nothing, he continues. “And since you are carrying two orclings, to make things easier, we need to be doinga lotof tossing, human.”

I narrow my eyes.

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