Page 79 of The Orc Queen

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What was he thinking going to a land with flying killing machines that make orcs look like stone ghouls? But sooner than I want, sleep takes me too and I am carried to an anxious sleep, but it is better than any sleep I’ve had in a week.

Chapter thirty

My Own Love


Myeyesflyopen,and the little panic that I had come to be familiar with gets dampened when I remember where I am, even though I can’t see anything. The soft, even-breathing lump next to me reminds me I am back home. I am alive. I made it out of Ragu. I am back home. Back toher.

My own love.

The events of the past two weeks would seem like a lie if I didn’t live through them myself. But I have so much to tell her and not enough hours in a day.

I know by morning the messengers will have come from Langa, and then I will have to take everything from there. After our meeting, they convinced me to stay a few days longer recovering fully and learning about the dragons.

We had more talks with the dragon Queen, and we have come to an understanding. It is a risky allyship but from the bigger perspective it has benefits on both ends. They will take more orcs for breeding, but it will not be forced and from the conversations I had with the few Bonos and Modos there, they seem…happy.

No war. A normal life with no anxiety. A far cry from the life we live on this side of Dali.

I was still undecided when I left the dragon lands but flying to Langa solidified my decision. I wonder what Aria will think about what I did. Will she chastise me. Will she think I should have chosen better? Will she think I am acting too rashly? I grapple with those questions most of the night until my eyes close again.

When my eyes open again, it is still night, but a lamp is lit, and I can feel Aria is no longer asleep.

“I should kill you myself, orc.”

I can’t help the small chuckle that finds its way up from my chest. “It would be your hand I’d prefer to fall by. I would accept the honor.”

Huffing, she pulls herself up to a sitting position and glares down at me. Her movement isn’t as fast or as graceful as it used to. She is due any week now. And I am glad I am here to be with her until she gives birth.

I understand now my place is no longer at the border. All my confusion is gone, and I know exactly what I have to do. I will not continue letting unworthy orcs lead us to more destruction.

I learned a few lessons from the dragons. Even in their plight, they didn’t let pride get in the way of saving their people. And I am going to savemy people. Both Modo and Bono.

“How do you know a dragon, Igor? And what did it do to you?”

I find her concern for me endearing, and I sit up.

“Can I make you tea as I tell you a story you are not going to believe?” I say.

“I am a little hungry too.” She responds sheepishly.

Joyful and full of contentment at having the opportunity to take care of her once more, I pick her up and take us to the kitchen. After lighting the lamps, I prepare the water. And then I start telling her everything.

She is so engrossed in the tale; she lets her tea get cold as she asks me questions. We meander back to bed and talk until the sun comes.

Lying on her side on top of me, she sighs. “Couldn’t you have waited to tell me before you challenged Langa?”

“Would you have said yes?”


I chuckle. “You have your answer.”

“But Igor it’s a big risk. And three challenges isn’t going to be easy. Are you sure you can take them?”

“I guess we’ll have to see if my uncle agrees. But that is the law.”

“I still can’t believe you and the Bonos have a joint law.” She says thoughtfully.

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